Windemere Friends – Dandiya for Education 2011

After last year’s overwhelming success, once again“Windemere Friends”- a neighborhood group of Indo American families is organizing “Dandiya for Education 2011″. 100% profits go to neighborhood schools!

  • When: Oct 1, 2011 – 7:30 PM – 11:30 PM
  • Where: Windemere Ranch Middle School (Gym)
  • 11611 East Branch Pkwy, San Ramon, CA

Tickets: $12 each, $15 at the door (if there’s any left)(Kids 5 yrs & under free)


Dandiya For Education 2011 San Ramon
Dandiya For Education 2011 San Ramon

The Band: “Aseem and Madhvi”. The Bay Area’s most famous group for singing Dandiya. They have been performing in the Bay Area for more than 15 years!

  • Free dandiya training 7 – 7:30 PM
  • Popular Indian food served by Indian Restaurant
  • Dandiya will be available for purchase

So get your Indian outfits ready for the fun filled evening with family, friends and neighbors!
Come and relish a variety of Indian- food  and the bay-area’s best live Dandiya-music to go with it !!

Dandia or Raas and Garba, is a traditional dance popular in Western India. In India, this celebration occurs during the fall festival of Navratri (Nav-raa-tree). Dandiya is a dance with short sticks that promotes slow calorie burning. Many folks have tried Dandiya and enjoyed it. We will have a special training session from 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM for all newcomers.
Windemere Friends – We are a group of concerned citizens that want to make a difference in our community. We have started this in August 2010 with the aim of organizing activities that we like right here in San Ramon while raising funds for the schools.
The group is 100% volunteer based with no administrative costs.

One thought on “Windemere Friends – Dandiya for Education 2011”

  1. Hi

    I was wondering if anything happens for karvachauth in east Dublin and San Ramon . I live in east Dublin and interested if the karvachauth puja happens around here.



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