Tag Archives: yoga

Yoga for Neurodiverse children in San Ramon.

“Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame.” – BKS Iyengar
HappyYoga in San Ramon is a Yoga Studio for Neuro-diverse children.  Ages 4-12.
The yoga instructor has training in guiding the children who have Autism, Sensory processing challenges, ADHD, Cerebral palsy, and other challenges.
Classes are conducted in-person and online.
Happy Yoga is owned and managed by a mom whose son has autism, and hence she understands and respects Neuro-diverse children.
Contact for more information –
(408) 230 0309, priyamagesh@gmail.com

Hatha Yoga Online Summer Classes,Try a Free Trial Class

Namaste, Online Hatha Yoga Classes – Weekdays & Weekends
Try a Free Trial Class and challenge yourself to develop strength, work towards weight-loss this summer.
Class Schedule : M / W / F : 10 – 11am
Wednesday : 7 – 8am / 7 – 8pm
Saturday / Sunday : 8 – 9am / 10 – 11am
In every online batch, we will focus on increasing flexibility and weight – loss, using specific Asana sequences.
I will be teaching Pranayama techniques to release and reduce stress & anxiety in these challenging times.
I’m a Certified Yoga/Pranayama Therapist, teaching for over 13 yrs. Call 510 229 8038 or email for details.
Warm Regards,
Asha Rao

Online Happiness Program July 24-26 by Art of Living.

Hi everyone,
Come join to learn powerful breath-based meditation – Sudharshan Kriya which is an evidence-based technique. You will be more stress-free, relaxed, happy, energetic, enthusiastic, better sleep, boosts immunity, high awareness, and more.
July 24-26.
3 days, 2.5 hours each day. 60% discount for a limited time.
Life transforming program.
Here is the link for more details and registration: http://tiny.cc/hpjuly24
You can also attend our online introduction sessions Tuesday or Sunday.  Sign up for free: http://tiny.cc/breath7

Yoga Bharati – Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Instructors/Foundation Course (YTT-200 &YFC) (Bay Area Chapter) – Yoga Teacher Training (YTT-200) is a yoga teacher training program that prepare the students to teach holistic yoga in the community. This course integrates various aspects of yoga such as asanas, pranayama, kriyas, meditation techniques and the very essence of yogic literature along with philosophy into a holistic composite – thus enabling the students to understand and impart the knowledge of yoga in its entirety. Yoga Bharati conducts Yoga Teacher Training every year in the Bay Area.
Along with yoga practice techniques, we provide in depth yogic philosophy from the ancient scriptures of Upanishad, Bhagavad Gita, and Patanjali Yoga Sutras. We are affiliated to Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation (SVYASA), Bangalore, a premier Yoga University in India.
Yoga Bharati is a Registered Yoga School with Yoga Alliance (RYS 200). After completing YTT-200 course, one can sign up with Yoga Alliance to become RYT-200 certified teacher. Additional modules are required to complete YTT-200. Please contact us for details.
YTT (AKA YIC) 2017 Announcement – NEW Branch and New Module for East Bay!
• Pleasanton Location Module 1 (First Half) – 2297, Tanager drive, Pleasanton, CA
For Details visit:  http://yogabharati.org/teacher-training/
– Yoga Bharati Team

Yoga for Eye Wellnes – Dec 3

yoga-bharti-pleasanton12 Week Yoga Workshop (12 sessions starting from December 3rd ). Yoga Bharati Vision Workshop for Kids.
When: Every Saturday at 11:15AM (80 min duration)
Who can take up?
• Shortsightedness (Myopia)
• Long Sightedness (Hyperopia)
• Astigmatism
• Lazy Eyes
• Dry Eyes
• High Eye Pressure/Tension
• Helps with Vision/Asthma/Allergies
• Simply to help improve memory, concentration and focus
• Yoga Module Special Yoga Techniques such as Trataka (Candle Light Meditation)    yoga_bharati_east_bay_vision_2016
Register online at: http://yogabharati.org/classes Phone :(408)768 4301

Yogathon – Art of Living, Tri Valley Center

yogathon posterThe Art of Living, Tri Valley Center invites you all to be part of the global Yogathon event and raise public awareness and funds to support the fight against Human Trafficking, a grave violation of human rights, that denies freedom to 20.9 million people around the world including more than 5 million children.
Join us on Saturday August 20th, to connect with your inner Yogi. Whether you are a novice, experienced or merely curious: all you need is a yoga mat and a benevolent spirit. Participants are challenged to execute 108 Sun Salutations (or as many as you can, really!!!!) in a large gathering of fellow participants and join a global movement for education and change.
 Registration Fee: $25 at http://yogathon.org/events/usa/dublin(Choose country: USA> city: Dublin> Individual Registration)
Join us for free training sessions every Sunday, 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM at
6690 Amador Plaza Rd, St 215, Dublin, CA 94568 (Art of Living, Tri Valley Center)
Rise for this great cause with us at #YogathonDublin2016 and say #nohumantrafficking

‘Get Happy’ SF Meditation Retreat Sat 2nd July with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar $95/-

The founder of Art of Living, philanthropist and Noble Peace Prize nominee Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is leading two sessions with breath work and meditation in the Bay Area July 4th weekend.
One day ‘Get Happy Program’ in San Francisco on Saturday, 2nd July 9 am to 6 pm that will give participants an experience of Sudarshan Kriya, meditation and fun group processes for stress relief. $95/- fee. Link to register
The two day ‘Get Happier Program’ on Sunday and Monday, 3rd and 4th July at Santa Clara, 9 am to 5 pm for the complete experience. After doing this program, participants will learn a take home practice of Sudarshan Kriya and can come for weekly follow ups for life in any Art of Living center anywhere in the world. There will also be fun interactive group processes, meditation and Kriya.
If participants sign up for both Get Happy and Get Happier together, they can avail of a $50/- discount. Please call us to help you get the discount. http://tiny.cc/sfghcombo
Pankaj Gupta 203-249-9153

Vision workshop in Pleasanton for eye wellness for kids

Eye Wellness Workshop by Certified Yoga Instructor
Contact: (408) 768-4301

  • For kids aged from 6 to 13
  • An 8 week workshop
  • Classes begin on 14th of June
  • Workshop to improve and maintain vision naturally

Project Vision- What is offered?

  • Sun salutations & Surya Namaskar
  • Poses and Asanas
  • Breathing and Relaxation
  • Playful vision games

Yoga Helps to

  • Relax the Eyes
  • Strengthen eye muscles
  • Enhance the normal function of eyes

Spots are limited

Valentine Partner Yoga

Valentine Partner Yoga: Come spread the love with balance and harmony. Experience Yoga like never before !!!

Valentine Yoga
Experience Yoga like never before !!!

Learn to connect through yoga poses. Partner Yoga invites openness, patience, communication, play, adventure and balance into your yoga practice and relationships. No previous yoga experience is necessary; bring a friend, a loved one, a sibling or neighbor.
Lavaanya is a Yoga alliance RYT and IAYT RYT Yoga Therapist.
Valentine fun starts on Sat Feb 14th 9:30 am – 11:00 am
$20 per couple ( Pay at the door )
Hearty treats will be on the house.
Limited space ( RSVP to reserve your spot).

Sat 14th Feb from 9:30 am – 11 am At : Art of Living, 6690 Amador Plaza Rd. # 215, • Dublin CA 94595
Contact: Vaishali 510 967 2380 RSVP to vaidehi2005@gmail.com • Tickets: At the door.

Ayurveda consultation, panchakarma in Pleasanton

Are you looking for alternative medicine solution for your health problem? Try Ayurveda. Dr. Soumya from kashi ayurveda (www.kashiayurveda.com) has over 9 years of experience as an ayurvedic doctor. She has treated a number of clients in the bay area and given several seminars and lectures in bay area cities including Fremont, Union City, Milpitas, Newark, Los Altos and Hayward. She has learnt and experienced the wonders of this age old science first hand.

We provide diet consultations, body type analysis (prakriti analysis), pulse diagnosis (nadi pariksha), panchakarma therapies, ayurvedic diet, ayurvedic recipes.

We also provide yoga and pranayaam classes.

Located close to Santa Rita exit in Pleasanton. Call 510 565 4998 or email contact@kashiayurveda.com

Week-end Saturday Morning Yoga Classes in Pleasanton

Namaste, I have started Weekend General Yoga Classes for Ladies. I’m a certified Yoga Therapist and have been teaching Yoga for 8 years.
Time : Saturday, 11 – 12:15 noon.
Location : 4880, #C, Civic Square Apartments, Pleasanton, CA

These classes are designed for everybody; they are gentle, focused on breathing and moving all the different muscle groups and induce harmony and relaxation in the body and mind. Do email me for more details and info. You can go through my Yoga Blog for discussion on benefits of practicing Yoga regularly. http://shavasana-in-action.blogspot.com/

Thanks, Asha Venkatarao

Upcoming Art of Living Course Aug 23rd – Aug 26th 2012

Course Benefits
Breathing techniques to eliminate stress & tension
Skills for improving relationships at home and at work
Tools to handle your mind & negative emotions

Learn Sudarshana Kriya
An Immensely powerful technique that incorporates specific natural rhythms of breath to release stress and purify the entire system by releasing toxins at the deepest cellular level

Course Details & Contacts
August 23rd – Aug 26th
Weekdays 7.00 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Weekends 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Art Of Living – Tri Valley Center
6690 Amador Plaza Road, Suit 215
Dublin, CA – 94568

Sunil : Ph (510) 593-5858 email: Sunil.Singh@artofliving.org

Ram : Ph (408) 569-6077 email: ramkumarb@artofliving.org


To register for Art of Living Course please click flyer or visit:


Mantra Sadhana Seminar – Art Of Living Tri Valley

A rare opportunity to learn the meaning and correct chanting of the Mantras – this is the very first Mantra Sadhana Seminar being hosted in the TriValley Area.

What is a mantra? “Mananaat traayate iti mantrah” – That which helps the mind to transcend, that which saves you from repetitiveness is a mantra. A repetitive thought is a worry. Mantras help to free you from worries. Mantras are universal and can be chanted by anyone. Since 5000 years, people have achieved higher states of consciousness, attained supreme peace and experienced bliss by chanting mantras.

The seminar teaches the correct intonation and meaning of popular ancient Sanskrit Mantras. Knowing the meaning of the mantra invokes peace, love, and leads to a meditative state. Chanting mantras creates subtle vibrations that affect the consciousness in a positive way.

This workshop is open to anyone above 16 yrs of age. The course consists of theoretical background on different branches of Vedas and basics of Vedic chanting with its specific style consisting of udaat (high), anudaat (low) and svarit (middle) notes. This course also covers common Mantras and ensures that the student understands the meaning of the Mantras and master the correct intonation for chanting the mantras

This will be taught by Prof V. Sastry who is an Engineering Professor and is a priest at Halifax Hindu Temple in Canada.

Introduction to Mantra Sadhna Seminar and Interview with SastryJi:

Register for the course at http://aoljgd.org/MSS

FREE Health in Beauty Seminar

FREE workshop – learn the secrets of youth and young looking skin with Beauty expert Ashish Pandya. Ashish travels the world over teaching people about Skin care, Ayurveda and health.
Location: Art of Living Center for Meditation and Yoga, 6690 Amador Plaza Rd, #215, Dublin
Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm
Date: June 4th 2011
To Register: http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=100834


TO REGISTER: http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=100763

Event: Family Yoga
Venue: Art of Living Center for Yoga and Meditation, Tri Valley
Address: 6690 Amador Plaza Road, #215
Dublin, CA 94568  Map
Date & Time: Jun 11, 2011  10:00 AM
Coordinator: Rashmi Patel
Contact Phone: 925-964-9228
Contact Email: rashmi.patel@artofliving.org
Address: 3181 wrangler road
San Ramon, CA 94582
Adult and child yoga class
Come spend an hour and half with your child (8+)to learn to destress, relax and rejuvenate.
Learn important skills such as focus, concentration and improving memory with your child.
A perfect way to start the summer and get ready for the next school year or the important events in your life.
Register once for both you and your child.