Performing arts and Public Speaking Camp – June 20th – 24th – Cost $200 from 9:00 am – 6:30 PM
Science Camp – June 27th – July 1st – Cost $200 from 9:00 am – 6:30 PM
Robotics Camp – July 5th – July 8th – Cost $260 from 9:00 am – 6:30 PM
Our camps also include academic enrichment activities and art and craft everyday.
Call 925-236-0572 or email acdemicplu…@g…com
Tag Archives: Summer Camp 2016
Kids July Tech Camps in Fremont
Time to give kids exposure to technology
And show them power of technology in an interesting way…
Contact : , 650-229-4307
Chess Camp in Pleasanton
Hello Parents, Experience the power of chess in developing intellectual, educational and analytical skills. At Nurture Kids Pleasanton, Nationally Accredited Coach Edward Lewis would be conducting a 4 Week Chess Camp for 90 mins daily. Fun environment, exciting games and individualized curriculum provided for the students.
Monday to Friday
June 20-24 : 2 pm to 3:30 pm
July 5-8 : 2 pm to 3:30 pm
July 18-22 : 2 pm to 3:30 pm
Aug 1-5 : 2 to 3:30 pm
$125 weekly or $500 for all 4 weeks. Space is limited. Space is limited. So call to reserve your Child’s Spot today.
Nurture Kids Pleasanton, 4460 Black Avenue, Suite A, Pleasanton CA 94566. Contact us # 925 549 4424, nurturekidspleasanto…@g…com
Creative Beetle Summer Camp 2016
Enjoy a Creative Beetle Kids’ Summer Art Camp, a fun interactive camp designed in a workshop style for kids 5-12 years in Dublin, CA with Rashmi Rao Kayala . To know more about the summer program, call 408.836.4243 or email rashm…@r…com for more details. To know more about the artist visit
Rashmi conducts fun interactive art workshops for kids, birthday ART parties and after-school art enrichment programs in Dublin & San Ramon, CA. Limited Seating. Register now!
For Creative Beetle Summer Workshop Flyer, go to
For Creative Beetle Student Work:
Vision workshop in Pleasanton for eye wellness for kids
Eye Wellness Workshop by Certified Yoga Instructor
Contact: (408) 768-4301
- For kids aged from 6 to 13
- An 8 week workshop
- Classes begin on 14th of June
- Workshop to improve and maintain vision naturally
Project Vision- What is offered?
- Sun salutations & Surya Namaskar
- Poses and Asanas
- Breathing and Relaxation
- Playful vision games
Yoga Helps to
- Relax the Eyes
- Strengthen eye muscles
- Enhance the normal function of eyes
Spots are limited
San Ramon Summer Camps at Camp Central
The City of San Ramon’s Camp Central Program is in its 7th year of offering a flexible and convenient summer camp options. Camp Central fits into any San Ramon family! Do you need activities for your children this summer that are fun, active and foster learning? Are you looking for the convenience of an all-day program, or do you want to pick and choose based on a changing schedule? Camp Central is the answer to all these questions and more!
Camp Central offers 15-20 different camps each week include arts, dance, theater, science, engineering, academic, sports, and traditional day camps. Full day or half day programs with extended care are available. Try something new each week.
We have camps such as Adventure Club which is a traditional outdoor camp where campers play games, activities and crafts around a weekly theme. Some themes this year include superheroes, Minecraft, pirates and the Wild West. We also have our Crazy 4 Sports program where campers play 4 different sports or sport variations such as crab soccer, water balloon volleyball, and capture the flag. We also have water games every Friday! The camps offered at Camp Central are fun, exciting and help develop campers socially and mentally.
There are 2 locations to choose from: Central Park utilizes both the San Ramon Community Center and Iron Horse Gym, and Dougherty Station utilizes the Community Center and Windemere Ranch Middle School.
For more information on weekly camp offerings visit or call the San Ramon Community Center at (925) 973-3200.
7:30 – 9:00am | Morning Extended Care |
9:00am – 12:00 pm | Specialty Camps |
12:00 – 1:00 pm | Noon Extended Care |
1:00 – 4:00 pm | Specialty Camps |
4:00 – 6:00 pm | Afternoon Extended Care |
For information on all the summer camps offered through the City of San Ramon Parks & Community Service Department visit or call the San Ramon Community Center at (925) 973-3200.
Choral, Rhythm and Movement Summer Camp
Run by the highly trained instructors of the award-winning Cantabella Children’s Choir, Grace Edwards & Judy Harcourt. This summer camp will expose children to choral and music literacy, rhythm exploration and development, and expressive movement and dance. As always with Cantabella, classes will be filled with lessons in healthy vocal production, artistic expression of beautiful and lively music, and fun-fun along the way.
The camps will run Monday through Friday, 9am to 12pm for a total of five classes. Classes will be comprised of small groups, for ages 6 to 12 years-old. Questions regarding either camp can be sent to Elain…@C…com
Livermore: To register, contact LARPD 925-373-5700 or online: Enter Course # 9822
June 27 to July 1
Granada Baptist Church
945 Concannon Blvd
Pleasanton: to register: Enter barcode 62797
June 20 to 24
Valley Community Church
4455 Del Valle Parkway
Chess and Enrichment Summer Camp
Hi Parents, Summer is fast approaching and Mind Craft Academy is ready to roll out our summer program.
If you are looking for a fun and fulfilling summer camp for your kids, we have 2 options to offer.
Chess and Enrichment Camp:
Do you want your kids to have excellent problem solving and strategic planning skills? Come learn Chess from us!
Unlike other schools, we only hire Master level chess instructors to ensure an excellent learning experience.
Understanding that both left and right brain training are important, the program will also include:
– English Enrichment
– Math Enrichment
– Chess
Summer Enrichment Camp:
For non-Chess players, we are offering the Enrichment Camp
The program is similar to the Chess and Enrichment Camp but during the chess learning time, we will offer other fun programs
-English Enrichment
-Math Enrichment
-Computer Literacy
– Lego Building
– Drawing Class
– Coding
– Arts and Craft and much more…
go to and click on Summer Camp 2016
Looking forward to your child’s learning and growing with us!
Gurukul Pleasanton Summer camp
Kids love the Gurukul P summer programs because they have fun and meet new friends. Gurukul Look forward to seeing your children become more confident, independent and responsible as they make new friends and learn important skills.
Gurukul Pleasanton Welcome to 2016-2017 Preschool. Monday August 15th, Fees $425 per month.
Summer Kids Camp Fees $675 per month – June 10th to Aug 15th.
Summer Camp : June 13th to August 25th 2016
Hello Parents, If you are looking for a well balanced enrichment program and a professional camp where your child would learn hands on, look no further and contact us at Nurture Kids Pleasanton. This Summer. we will have a STEM based Camp where your child would be learning through the principles of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. We’ll have fun themes like Harry Potter, Amusement Park, Space Wars, Minions and many more integrated into the program so that its not all work and no play for kids. In the course of 11 weeks, we’ll have exciting outdoor field trips, dance performance on stage at India Day Parade and a Chess, Public Speaking, Theater, Creative Writing, Math Olympiad, Knitting as well as learning coding through Lego Robotics. All of this starts at $150 per week. To know more and reserve your spot please call Nurture Kids Pleasanton @ 925 549 4424 or email us – nurturekidspleasanto…@g…com.
Nurture Kids Pleasanton
4460 Black Avenue, Suite A,
Pleasanton CA 94566