Study Session on Upanishads

Spirituality is the concern for spirit.  A host of questions arise from this concern. These questions are to be organized properly and their answers searched systematically if we want to understand the nature of spirituality and its relevance to our lives.  Only then we can hope to graduate from blind belief that makes an awful life tolerable to genuine faith that reveals the beauty of freedom and creativity in a life filled with meaning.  By addressing the questions that arise from the concern for spirit directly Upanishads attempt to discover the yoga that connects the spirit with worldly life.

The ideas contained in the Upanishads are timeless.  They are capable of being applied in any context. Meaningful enhancement of identity through creativity, maintaining a balanced quality existence and finding one’s true relevance are ideas that remain fresh at all times in all places and contexts.  These are the essential concerns for any entity during its existence in this world.  Upanishads recognize that to address these issues effectively one has to go beyond the plane where these occur and organize the wedding of the esoteric with the mundane.

I am planning to have a study session on Upanishads at San Ramon from the first week of March 2013.

For a theme note on the session please go to

The sessions will be conducted during the weekends. This is essentially a programme addressed to young adults.  All young persons in the age group 18 – 60 years are welcome.

Interested persons may please contact me at

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