Looking to rent a semi-furnished good sized Single bed room at first floor with attached bath. Also has an attached closet. This is from a brand new house (moved in only a couple of months before)
Location: In the junction of Maguire way and Keegan Street in Dublin. Very close to BART station, Hwy 580 and 680. Also close to shopping malls and Indian Grocery stores
About Us: We are a small family of four (2 adults and 2 kids) planning to rent to offset some of the debts.
Utilities, Internet Included
I would be really interested in renting this for myself and my 10 yr old son. Please let me know if it’s still available. My phone # is 925-301-5727.
Hello Malini,
I am looking to rent a room, let me know if its still available.
Phone# 203-435-4937
I am interested for my mom. Please call me or email if this is available.
-4084170384. Subhagya@gmail.com
Is This Room Still Available, Please Email Me- Thanks- Deepika
Still available? 714-653-5351. Call please
Room still available? 714-653-5351