We are looking for a family to share our wonderful nanny who has been taking care of our 11 month old daughter for the last 6 months. Our daughter is ready to socialize a little more but we are not quite ready yet for a daycare situation. We are open to part-time or full-time share preferably close to downtown Pleasanton. The share rate is $11/hr/family. Please contact me at svensant…@g…com and we can talk more. Thanks!
Is the nanny still available? I am looking for part time care for my daughter. At least 3 days a week. Is your nanny still available? If so you can contact me at 510-388-9997.
if available let me know.
U can email me at simrantejas@yahoo.com
Is this helper still available? I don’t need child care help.. but light help with house cleaning and meal prep at least every other day for 1 – 2 hours. Please contact me at 614 402 7789.
Please call me at 7813549320. We are in Dublin and will be interested in sharing the nanny. I have a 4 month old.