Course: Level0:
-Introduction to the Raspberry Pi computer. Explore setting up the Raspberry Pi hardware and software and booting your Pi for the first time.
-Write your first simple Python program.
-Discover how simple circuits work, how to connect an LED to your Raspberry Pi, and how to switch your LED on and off using Python code to create light sequences.
-Developer a security sensor which identify the motion of humans and Animals.
-Understand different kinds of input devices(Sensors) that can be used to sense the real world.
Eligibility: Kids from second grade and above
-Detailed understanding and development of Sensors.
-Detect distance using Ultra Sonic Sensor.
-Using Microwave sensor to detect objects.
-Add Camera to Raspberrypi.
-Play with DC motors.
-Develop a robot car:
-Having intelligence to detect obstacles.
-Bluetooth Remote
-Add Camera and Sensors.
Eligibility: Kids from 3rd Grade and above, Having basic knowledge of Raspberrypi and Python.
All courses are four weeks /2 Hours a week.
Can you give more details on location and how much you charge, timings etc
Please provide more details regarding cost and days
Batch Starts On: 05/18/2019
Timings: Every Saturday, Sunday 11:00 AM to 12:00PM(Total 8 classes)
Location: Pleasanton