We are providing pickup and drop service to and from school (Tri Valley area) to any daycare/home/tuition classes
We have few open seats:
Interested parents email in following format, we will contact you.
Contact Name, Contact No:, Pickup point, Drop Point, Time
Email – ride4ki…@g…com
We can also accommodate your weekend schedule for classes or extra curricular activities.
Hi there,
I need a pickup person who can pick kids from the Fredriksen school and Doughrty school and drop to the Safari Kid Dublin. Please contact me at skdublinca@gmail.com ASAP.
My son needs to be picked up from Gale Ranch Middle school and dropped off in San Ramon. Please reply if you are available for the pickup service.
I need a pick up service from Dublin elementary to Pleasanton. Please contact me at 925-699-3203
I need pickup 8am and drop off 5.30pm for my kid at San Ramon. Pls contact iowasrini@gmail.com
I need drop off services for my kid from amador elementary school to home(1 mile). Please call me if you are interested
I am interested. Call me on 4084313531.
I am interested in getting a pick up from middle school service. Please call/text me on 412.979.8465