I am posting on behalf of my helper who is looking for a part time job of cooking and doing household chores. Preferably in the mornings. She has her own car. Please message me so I can give you her contact information.
I am posting on behalf of my helper who is looking for a part time job of cooking and doing household chores. Preferably in the mornings. She has her own car. Please message me so I can give you her contact information.
Please let me know if she is can come over the weekends?
Please share her number. Thanks.
Can you please share her number? Thanks.
Could you please give her contact info?
Could you please share her info? Thanks
Could you share her number?
Please share her number
Please share number. I appreciate your help on this!
Please share the contact information.
Really appreciate your help!
Thank you
I need a part time cook (south Indian) in Dublin. Can you please share her phone and name ?
Hi Pallavu – Can you please share her number?
Please give me contact #
[email protected]
Hi Pallavi,
Can you please get in touch with me ASAP at 240-593-1087.
Hi Pallavi, is the helper still available, can you please share the contact details at: [email protected]? Thanks
Can you pls share her number at [email protected]