~About the course –
The Art of Living course gives you the practical knowledge and techniques to unlock your deepest potential and bring fullness to life. Whether happy and successful or feeling the stress of poor health, work, or relationships, every participant is cared for and goes back much lighter. The techniques are effective in reducing stress levels and increase your health, physical energy, enthusiasm, self-esteem, awareness, and clarity of mind.
~Key features of the course – The Sudarshan Kriya
~There’s more … the health benefits
Attendance in all sessions is essential to get full benefit from this course. Please arrive 15 minutes in advance to complete the registration process.
Wear comfortable clothing suitable for doing yoga. Bring a refillable bottle of water. Have a light dinner before coming
Address: 6690 Amador Plaza Road, Ste 215
Dublin, CA 94568 Map
Start Date: Dec 05, 2013
End Date: Dec 09, 2013
Weekday Timings: 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Weekend Timings: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Register at: http://secure.artofliving.org/course_details.aspx?course_id=15596
We look forward to having you on the course!