hello my name is Meenakshi Pawar and I’m looking out to make friends with other moms with kids and have play dates for my 2 year old son
please email me at meenakshi318…@g…com if interested
hello my name is Meenakshi Pawar and I’m looking out to make friends with other moms with kids and have play dates for my 2 year old son
please email me at meenakshi318…@g…com if interested
Hi Meenakshi,
Would you be interested in a paydate with my 2 year old daughter?
Hi Vibha!
I would love to set up a playdate. How about someday next week??
Let me know
Hello meenakshi/Vibha
My daughter is 2.5years old and I am interested in a play date for her. I live in San Ramon.
Hello Shubha
Are you available sometime next week? May be we 3 (Vibha, you and myself) can meet with our little ones
Let me know
We stay in Pleasanton and would love to have play dates too for my 28 month old. How can we connect ladies?
We stay in Pleasanton too. I have a 15 month old son and 6 years old son. We are just an year old here and looking to make some new friends.
Hi! Thats great!
Give me your email so I can email you my number and we can talk and plan play dates.
My email is Meenakshi3182@gmail.com
Hi, my son is 2.5 years old. And I recently moved to Livermore. Would love to connect with you ladies.
Hi Ranjani, I would love to connect with you. I have 2.3 year old toddler boy. We live in West Dublin
Hi Hema,
My email is ranjanidcosta@gmail.com.
Send me a message and we can take it from there.