Hello: We are looking for a full time nanny for our 2 year old son and 5 year old daughter. Our daughter is in school from noon to 4. Timings for the job would be 8:00 to 6 on weekdays.
Responsibilities would include:
– Feeding the kids breakfast in the morning and general play/park time for the 2 year old and 5 year old right next to home
– Getting the 5 year old to school at noon after lunch – school is a 5 min walk or 2 min car ride. Have to take the 2 year old along as well.
– Bath and nap for 2 year old in the afternoon between 1 and 3. Time for kids laundry and kids room clean up – pick up toys, fold kids clothes etc
– 5 year old daughter is back home from school at 4, give her a bath and snack and supervise some homework etc.
– Help in preparing dinner for kids before departure
– Prefer car and driving ability with good driving record. If not, then getting to work and back on time needs to be ensured as both parents work and commute to the peninsula – so timing is sensitive.
Our existing nanny is leaving soon as we have recently moved from San Francisco to Danville and the commute from SF to Danville is too much for her. We are looking for someone loving and able to take her place in our family. Very good salaried pay (not hourly) with leave. Please respond to Rima at 713.392.1606 or to the email: rghoshsf@gmail.com. Looking for someone to start in immediately.
Rima & Ronnie