Moved to Pleasanton – looking for play dates

Hello, we recently moved to Pleasanton and have two kids, a 9 year old boy and a 4 year old girl. We are living in Avana Pleasanton on Valley Avenue. Looking to make new friends, have play dates etc.  If you have moved recently too and would like to connect, please feel free to leave me a message.

9 thoughts on “Moved to Pleasanton – looking for play dates”

  1. Hi,
    I have a old boy going to turn 10 soon, I am interested in play dates.
    We have moved to San Ramon recently!
    My no 347 255 2195

    1. Hi Debjani, my name is Michelle, I also have a old boy going to turn 10 soon, on this Thanksgiving Day! , I am also interested in play dates with kids his age on or a year or two older or your younger.

      Let me know if you’re interested!

      My Number:925-9982403

  2. Hi.

    My name is Priya and we moved to San Ramon 5 months back. I have a daughter who is 12 and would love for her to have some company. Please let me know if you would like to meet sometime.

    I am also interested in making some friends in this area,


    1. Hi Priya, my name is Michelle, I also live in SanRamon. I have a 9 year old boy going to turn 10 soon, and I also 7.5 year old boy. I am also interested in play dates.

      My Number:925-9982403

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