Hello, I am looking for friends in tri valley. I am from Tamil Nadu and I have a 8 month old baby. I am looking to make friends for myself and my daughter. Is there any Tamil sangam in tri valley to make friend.
Hello, I am looking for friends in tri valley. I am from Tamil Nadu and I have a 8 month old baby. I am looking to make friends for myself and my daughter. Is there any Tamil sangam in tri valley to make friend.
Hi, You can join BATM(https://www.bayareatamilmanram.org)
Hi there,
I am also from Tamilnadu. I live in Pleasanton. I have a 13 month old boy. I would love to connect with you. You can reach me on my email.
You can reach me at brindhaavijay@gmail.com
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Brindha, This is Hema. I would love to connect with you. I have a 2 year old boy. I live in Dublin. Pls let me know if you are interested
This is Kalai and I would love to connect. I live in Livermore and have 2 boys aged 5 and 3 months. You can reach me at kalai. sainarayan@ Gmail.com
hi this is kohila. I have 3year old girl. u can ping me to this id devi87.k@gmail.com. live nearby dublin.