Job for Assistant teacher available

Hi, Looking for an assistant teacher in day care, Monday to Friday, Morning and Evening hours. Send resume at sampar201…@g…com with expected hourly rate.

5 thoughts on “Job for Assistant teacher available”

  1. Hi how r u? I am intrested to work in your daycare,as a teacher.i worked in glitter kids,indian day care in fremont and presently working in aloha math.u can reach me at 925-577-8443.

  2. Hi my name is jaya, how r u today? I m ready to work in your day care I have experianse in day care teacher or helper.please send me email for further enquiry.


  3. Hi,

    Iam interested to work for you.But this is going to be my first experience.Please call me to this number 408 754 7393 for details.


  4. Hi

    I am interested to work for an assistant teacher in your day care. But, this is my first experience as an assistant teacher, and I can work till 1.30pm or 2.00pm. Since I have two kids to pick up. Please you can call me at 510-366-7056.

  5. Hi,
    I would like to apply for assistant teacher position in your day care. Kindly contact me @ 9259636219.

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