Hi – Looking for homecooked meals, veg and non-veg. Prefer delivery (willing to pay extra for delivery) but can pickup if close by. Please email me with menus/prices/your website.
We live in Dublin off Fallon Road in Positano development.
Please give me your email id.
hi Nisha
if you pass me your email id i can send u all my details. thanks
Sorry, my email is nbubna@yahoo.com
Hi, Can you please forward me the details for daily food services too at Shilpa9@gmail.com
if you.are still looking for the food service . feel free to call me . I provide tiffen service obesity and weekly bases. I do party orders also.
food is cooked in olive oil .
feel free to call me to have weekly menu_
sorry ment daily not obesity:)
I am interested too. My email is a_devkota@yahoo.com
I am interested in food service as well. Please email me at sonyspatil369@gmail.com
Hello vibha
can I get cooking reference too. we live in san ramon.
Hi Sadaf,
We offer delicious home cooked Indian food in San Ramon.
Please email us at indianfood.eastbay@gmail.com for more details.