Hi, we are looking to move to either dublin or san Ramon CA .
I want to look for a school with good attention towards sports and other extra curicular activities along with academics.
Which elementary schools / middle / high schools are better .
Can anyone give individual review on the dublin and San ramon schools. I have seen greatschools website but the reviews are so much old.
any other pro-cons between dublin and san ramon ?
which is a better place between dublin and san ramon in terms of software jobs both opportunity vise and commute.
Does it get really hot in summer and cold and windy in winters compared to fremont or east bay ?
please help
hi, i am planning to move to dublin; checking for schools in the area – my son is 7 yrs. also apartments close enough to walk to BART station.
could you please let me know if you got any information to share in this regard ? pls respond at jacjus@gmail.com