“ODISSI VILAS” – Learn And Experience Odissi: Sacred Dance of India, with renowned Dancer and Teacher Guru Sri Vishnu Tattva Das. Classes ,Workshops, Lecture-Demonstrations & performances… Open for all ages. Call to enquire. E-mail: padhi.manas…@g…com Ph: 925-577-0532/707-799-2521
www.odissivilas.org www.youtube.com/user/odissivilas/videos Follow us on Odissi Vilas Facebook Page.
Category Archives: Classical Dance
Bharata Natyam- Vrindavan Dance Academy- Now Enrolling
Enrollment for the 2017-18 year now open at Vrindavan Indian Dance Academy in San Ramon. Streamlined curriculum, professional space, quality teaching, and performance opportunities! Kalakshetra style of Bharata Natyam taught in traditional and structured progression – from adavus to arangetram.
Limited openings in Beginner and Intermediate levels. Assessments in session, will continue till openings are filled. Contact – bind…@v…com or bindu.vrindava…@g…com
Check our website- www.vrindavanacademy.com
Jun 20-July 21 Summer Dance and Henna Workshop
Pleasanton and San Ramon classes in Henna Art and semiclassical or classical dance. $12 per class.
Snigdha Jayavarapu is a trained Bharatanatyam dancer who has 10+ years of experience as a performer and 5+ as a teacher. She is currently a competitive dancer with UCLA’s award winning classical team, as well as continues to dance under the tutelage of Viji Prakash. These dance camps are perfect for students looking for intensive or beginner summer training in the short term.
Snigdha is also a henna artist offering lessons from her home at at Genius Kids, please contact 9258196203 with questions or to sign up.
First class is June 20th and classes will continue until July 31st. Group discounts are available!
Thank you!
Arangetram Invitation – June 3rd
Summer Dance Camps in Pleasanton at BollyNaach Dance Studio
BollyNaach Dance Company is offering Summer Dance Camps for kids all summer long! Each Camp is 1-week long and is either 3-hrs or 6-hrs per day. 3-hr camps are $190/wk and 6-hr camps are $350/week. Kids will learn variety of dance styles to Bollywood music as well as fun art/craft activities. There will be a showcase performance at end of every camp.
Before-care (8a-9a or 12p-1p) and After-care (3p-5p or 4p-6p) is available at additional cost ($50/wk before-care, $100/wk after-care).
Location – BollyNaach Dance Company – 1989 Santa Rita Rd., Suite A, Pleasanton CA 94566
We also have studio in Fremont.
Summer Dance Camps 2017 Schedule for Pleasanton
Please see above link for summer camps schedule and fees information.
Enroll online at www.bollynaach.com
Email bollynaac…@g…com
Call 1-844-442-6559 (1-844-44-BOLLY)
Nirtyatara Scool of Odissi Dance Summer Camp, Dublin,CA
New classes, summer camps start from june. kids n adults r welcome.
Register now to learn graceful Indian classical dance form Odissi, Indian Folk n Bollywood dance . location- Slivera Ranch, Fallon road, Dublin ,CA. New session begin from June 15th. classes for all age group. 4+above. weekday n weekend classes(flexible timing). 1st class free with registration. contact – Nirtyatara Scool of Dance at mallikd201…@g…com
Bharathnatyam Classes in San ramon and Dublin
Durga Swaminathan, disciple of Padmashri Adyar k. Lakshman will be offering Bharathnatyam classes in the Kalakshetra style in San Ramon & Dublin for all ages starting April 2017.A Television artiste, who has extensively choreographed, performed and taught in Seattle and Bay area.
Please contact Durga at durgasunda…@g…com/ 650 773 7322.
New Bharatnatyam classes in Dublin starting in April
Guru. Meena Logan will be starting Bharatnatyam (south indian classical) dance lessons for all levels in the San Ramon/Dublin/Pleasanton/Danville neighborhood starting in April 2017.
On Sundays from 4 – 6PM @ E, 6715 Dublin Blvd, Dublin CA 94568
Call Meena @ (408) 241 5717 for fees and availability
Odissi Vilas – Classes offered in Dublin
“ODISSI VILAS” – Learn And Experience Odissi: Sacred Dance of India, with renowned Dancer and Teacher Guru Sri Vishnu Tattva Das. Classes ,Workshops, Lecture-Demonstrations & performances…
Beginner classes offered by Senior disciple of Guruji.
Open for all ages. Call to enquire. E-mail: padhi.manas…@g…com
Ph: 925-577-0532 www.odissivilas.org www.youtube.com/user/odissivilas/videos
Odissi Dance Classes Offered
Odissi dance classes for kids, youth and adults offered in San Ramon. Taught by Guru Jyoti Rout and Keshini Desai. Please call or text (510) 219-9634 to register and inquire.
Srilaya school of Dance Bharathanatyam Classes Spring 2017
Srilaya School of Dance, Pleasanton CA
Bharathanatyam classes
Now Enrolling for Spring 2017
Send enquiries to srilayadanc…@g…com
Kuchipudi Dance Classes
Sindhu Surendra is the Founder and Artistic Director of Shiva Noopuram(School of Kuchipudi) established in Dublin,California in the year 2014, dedicated towards propagating the Indian classical dance form kuchipudi which has more than 2000 years old history and has originated from a small village by the same name, Kuchipudi, in Southern India. The mission of the school is to perform, spread and teach the dance form.
About Artistic Director : http://kuchipudikalakar.blogspot.com/2014/09/sindhu-surendra-kandi.html
Location: Safari Kids 4564 Dublin blvd Dublin CA 94568
Contact 9259632268 / shivanoopura…@g…com for more information and to setup a trail class
Bharatanatyam Performance by Surabhi Bharadwaj Oct 23
Kuchipudi Dance classes in Dublin

Sindhu Surendra is the Founder and Artistic Director of Shiva Noopuram(School of Kuchipudi) established in Dublin,California in the year 2014, dedicated towards propagating the Indian classical dance form kuchipudi which has more than 2000 years old history and has originated from a small village by the same name, Kuchipudi, in Southern India. The mission of the school is to perform, spread and teach the dance form.
About Artistic Director : http://kuchipudikalakar.blogspot.com/2014/09/sindhu-surendra-kandi.html
Location: Safari Kids 4564 Dublin blvd Dublin CA 94568
Ushanjali School of Dance Accepting New Students
Post Vijayadashami, TriValley’s Premier Bharatanatyam Dance School is accepting new students in Beginner and Intermediate levels.
Classes are conducted at:
– San Ramon Safari kids(unit next to Domino’s Pizza) – Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
– Pleasanton Safari kids – Monday and Tuesday
Only few spots remaining! Contact us at: ushanjali200…@g…com. Call 510-565-6202 to schedule an appointment and/or trial class.
About Ushanjali School of Dance: Artistic Director, Vidushi Smt.Naina Shastri has been training students in the Mysore style of Bharatanatyam along with teaching various other styles of dance, like Indian folk, semi-classical and contemporary. Students are offered formal dance exams in Bharatanatyam through Akhila Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya, Mumbai. They perform regularly at various community and city organized events. Students are trained for Arangetram when they are ready. More information about the school and its activities can be found at: www.ushanjali.com. Follow us on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/ushananjali2008/
Pushpanjali Dance Academy Bharatnatyam classes
Bharatnatyam (south indian classical) dance lessons for all levels. Guru Meena Logan of http://www.pushpanjali.org will be starting Bharatnatyam (south indian classical) dance lessons for all levels in the San Ramon/Dublin/Pleasanton/Danville neighborhood starting in January 2017.
Founded in 1996, Pushpanjali Dance academy recently celebrated 20 years of excellence and the 41st student Arangetram. Guru Meena Logan, was trained by her aunt and first lady nattuvanar, Smt. K. J Sarasa. With her rigorous training, extensive experience and passion for the art form is now looking to spread her teachings in the trivalley area. Please call or email Meena if you are interested.
Meena Logan, Phone: (408)241-5717, email: meenaloga…@p…com
Bharata Natyam – Vrindavan Indian Dance Academy
Vrindavan Indian Dance Academy is currently enrolling new students in the Beginner and lower level Intermediate batches for Fall 2016. A premier dance school, we have offered training in Bharata Natyam’s technique and performance for over 10 years in San Ramon. Few openings left. If interested, please email bindu@vrindavanacademy.com. For more info, check our website http://www.vrindavanacademy.com
Srilaya School of Dance @ Pleasanton CA
Srilaya School of Dance is coming to Pleasanton CA.
Bharathanatyam dance classes to start October 10th (Vijayadasami 2016)
Please visit Srilaya dance web page http://srilayadance.weebly.com/ or contact Smt. Deepa Rajamani @ sumangaldee…@y…com
Bharatanatyam Classes At Siddhi Dance Academy
Hello Everyone, This is Surabhi Bharadwaj, Founder & Artistic Director of Siddhi Dance Academy, Dublin, CA. Siddhi Dance offers a comprehensive dance curriculum for students, ages 5 and above. Classes will commence on July 10th 2016. Please visit the website for more information.
Classes will be conducted by (me) Surabhi Bharadwaj – I’ve been trained in India for 20 years and have been performing professionally for the past 6 years.
If you’d like more information, please do get in touch with me: surabh…@s…com or (415) 597 6543.
Kindly spread the word.
Surabhi Bharadwaj
Bharatanatyam Dance Classes, any?
Hi All, Can any one suggest me good bharatanatyam dance class for my 6 yrs old near Pleasanton/Dublin/san ramon, CA
Bharatnayam Dance Classes, San Ramon
Dheem Thara Dance School was founded in 2013 by Sangeetha Neelankavil in Pleasanton, California. She currently has a school of about 40 students, of varying ages and levels. She focuses on unique choreography, technique, and abhinaya (dance expression) in order to help students deliver well-rounded performances. we offer Bharathanatyam classes, Indian semi classical dance classes (Fusion of Kuchipudi, Bharatnatyam, Mohiniyattam etc), Bollywood dance, Indian folk dances etc. By involving her school in various ethnic events (Marathi Mandal, Telugu Saradaga O Sayantram, Hindi Diwali Dhamaka, Maya Bazar, FIA, Livermore Hindu Temple, Malayalam, Chinese and American), she seeks to further spread the joy of Indian culture among the Tri-Valley community.
Odissi Dance class in Slivera Ranch, Dublin
Register now to learn graceful Indian classical dance form Odissi, Indian Folk n Bollywood dance . location- Slivera Ranch, Fallon road, Dublin ,CA. New session begin from April 15th. classes for all age group. 4+above. weekday n weekend classes(flexible timing). 1st 2 class free with registration.
contact – Nirtyatara Scool of Dance at mallikd201…@g…com
Kamalanjali school of dance in SanRamon
Smt. Meenakshi Swaminathan Director and Founder of Kamalanjali, is a highly accomplished dancer, and a dedicated teacher. Meenakshi’s association with Bharatanatyam began at an early age of 6yrs.She has undergone immense training in Bharatanatyam in the traditional Vazhuvoor style.
Kamalanjali school of dance is offering Bharathantyam classes in SanRamon for children 5yrs and above beginners batch. For more information contact kamalanjali.inf…@g…com
Odissi (Indian Classical Dance) classes
“ODISSI VILAS” – Learn And Experience Odissi: Sacred Dance of India, with renowned Dancer and Teacher Guru Sri Vishnu Tattva Das. Classes ,Workshops, Lecture-Demonstrations & performances…Open for all ages. Call to enquire.
E-mail: vtda…@h…com, padhi.manas…@g…com
Ph: 707-799-2521; 925-577-0532
Bollywood Dance Class for kids in San Ramon
Did you know arts and music education programs are mandatory in countries that rank consistently among the highest for math and science test scores, like Japan, Hungary, and the Netherlands?
– Upcoming Multi-Cultural Arts Classes in San Ramon: Bollywood Dance for Kids – Instructor Priya Vasudevan
Do your kids love to move to the beat of the music? Participants will have fun learning Bollywood Dance styles, all while getting health and developing a lifelong habit of exercising. In addition to Bollywood Dance, we will also incorporate Classical Indian Dance steps. Be it staying in touch with your own culture or exploring a new one, this class will give kids plenty to learn and exhibit. Moves are low impact, age appropriate, easy to learn, educational and fun! Participant’s confidence, stage presence and social skills will improve, with class culminating with a small performance.
– All classes are at the Alcosta Senior & Community Center – 9300 Alcosta Blvd
Saturdays 1/23 – 3/26
10:30 am – 11:15 am [Ages 5 – 7] <- Click to register online
Saturdays 1/23 – 3/26
11:30 am – 12:05 pm [Ages 8 – 12] <- Click to register online
Introduction to Indian Music, Drumming & Dance
Engage your mind, hands, heart, feet and voice in learning the rhythms and melodies of the classical music and dance traditions of India. These arts are taught through an oral tradition using vocal percussion syllables to teach drumming, dance and singing. Learn the poetic and mathematical patterns of Indian percussion. Sing the melodies of Indian Ragas. Embody an understanding of Indian rhythm cycles through the basic footwork of Kathak Dance. Discover beautiful sounds of traditional instruments like the sitar and sarode.
This class is an engaging, kid-friendly introduction to one of the world’s greatest classical arts traditions and will lay a strong foundation for future skills and concepts that increase focus, problem solving and more.
Class meets at Quail Run Elementary School in San Ramon for 4th and 5th graders. Students do not have to attend Quail Run Elementary School to register for this class.
Thursdays January 28th – March 3rd
2:40 PM – 3:40 PM – Quail Run Elementary School
Instructor: Jim Santi Owen from the Ali Akbar College of Music. For his full Biography please click here.
To register online through The City of San Ramon Parks & Community Services please Click Here.
For questions, please call the San Ramon Community Center at 925-830-5162
Kathak Dance Classes in San Ramon
Kathak Dance classes in San Ramon. Contact:- Surbhi (925)997-4911.
Kuchipudi Classes in Dublin / SanRamon

Shiva Noopuram (school of Kuchipudi) offering classes in Dublin and SanRamon for all age groups.Contact shivanoopura…@g…com / 7073177439 for Registrations.
view details @ https://www.facebook.com/Shiva-Noopuram-182130345156744/timeline/
Fundraiser for Nepal Earthquake relief on Nov 1st.
It has been 6 months since the devastating Earthquake in Nepal. More than 9000 people lost their lives and over 23,000 were injured.
Nepal, is one of Asia’s poorest countries, and has little ability to fund a major reconstruction effort on its own.
It is expected that rebuilding the economy will need international effort over the next few years as it could “easily exceed” USD$5 billion.
This is our small endeavor to help those who survived. We look forward to your support!
San Ramon based Indian Classical Dance school, along with local musicians, folk dance school and other artists from around the Bay Area are getting together for a Fundraiser Event, to present an evening of lively, energetic dances and melodious music, on Nov 1st, at Amador Valley Theater between 4.00-6.00pm. All proceeds will be donated to Sahayeta.org.
Dance Schools:
Ushanjali School of Dance, Smt. Naina Shastri
T and D Dance, Smt.Hemali Gondhalekar
iGurukul, Smt.Gayathri Joshi
Manipuri dance, Smt.Chandreyee Mukherjee
Smt. Chandrika Pai, Nada Sudha School of Music
Shri. Balaji Mahadevan, Percussion
Geeta Iyer, on the Veena
Aparna Thyagarajan, Violin
For ticket and donation info, please contact ushanjali200…@g…com.
To buy your tickets for the event, please follow the link: http://sa1.seatadvisor.com/sabo/servlets/EventSearch?presenter=PLEASANTON&event=RTula15
Kuchipudi classes in Dublin and SanRamon
Shiva Noopuram (School of Kuchipudi ) offering classes for all age groups in Dublin and SanRamon. Registration can be made through shivanoopura…@g…com or call 7073177439.timings are flexible depending on availabilty.
Bharathanatyam Class at SanRamon
Smt. Meenakshi Swaminathan Director and Founder of Kamalanjali, is a highly accomplished dancer, and a dedicated teacher. She has participated in several group and solo performances at State and National levels programs and has won numerous awards and certificates.
Kamalanjali School of dance is offering Bharatanatyam classes for children 5yrs and above at SanRamon(near E.Branch Parkway). New batch is beginning shortly, for more information contact sankarvidhy…@g…com
Bharatanatyam , Semi classical Dance Lessons
Classes for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced students ( Kalakshethra style). New batches are starting for all levels.
Our students get benefit from performing at other stage events other than annual recital. Arangetram training is also available for eligible students. Trial classes are available at San Ramon and Pleasanton.
Please call 408 480 4856 or email sangeetha.neelankavi…@y…com
Bollywood Dance for Kids through The City of San Ramon
Instructor Priya Vasudevan currently teaches Bombay Jam for adults through The City of San Ramon. She is looking forward to expanding her class offerings to Bollywood Dance for kids this coming Fall.
Do your kids love to move to the beat of the music? Participants will have fun while learning Bollywood dance styles, all while getting healthy and developing a lifelong habit of exercising. In addition to Bollywood Dance, we will also incorporate Classical Indian Dance steps. Be it staying in touch with your own culture or exploring a new culture, this class will give your kids plenty to learn and exhibit. Moves will be low impact, age appropriate, easy to learn and be filled with fun. Participant’s confidence, stage presence and social skills will improve with class culminating with a small performance for friends and family.
Classes begin in September. For more class information please click here or call the San Ramon Community Center at 925-973-3200
Bharata Natyam Dance Lessons
Vrindavan Indian Dance Academy is currently open for enrollment of new students for 2015-2016 academic year.
- Instruction in the Kalakshetra style of Bharata Natyam with traditional pieces and new choreography.
- Structured curriculum offering students a strong foundation in the technical (nritta) and narrative (abhinaya) aspects of classical dance.
- Theory discussions highlighting the cultural and spiritual roots of the art tradition of India.
- Beginner student assessments starting August 3rd.
- Classes held in SRVDA studios in San Ramon. www.vrindavanacademy.com
For details, contact Bindu Shankar at bindu.vrindava…@g…com. Students must be 6 years of age and older.
Music and Dance classes
Carnatic Vocal – Bharatanatyam Tutoring
Batches ongoing, Fast track batches are also available
New Students are taken.
Flexible Timing and Student Friendly Environment.
Good Opportunity for Homemakers to learn Carnatic music and Bharathnatiyam.
Parents can learn along with their kids with just $10 extra.
All ages and all level students are welcome.
Yearly workshops conducted depending on the demand.
*Sample Class available*
For more information contact : Mrs.Syamaladevi JaiShankar, 336-510-9422 , 925-475-9026.
Kuchipudi classes in Dublin

(School of Kuchipudi)
Kuchipudi classes in Dublin,Pleasanton, Livermore & San Ramon for all age groups.
Email: shivanoopura…@g…com
Contact: (707)317-7439 / (925)364-5257
Bharatanatyam Performance on May 31st
Reviving Old Traditions – Bharatanatyam Performance – Ushanjali School of Dance, presents Bharatanatyam Dance performance by Dr.Radhika Nandakumar, Artistic Director of Brahmavidya School of Dance, Mysore. The performance will showcase the Mysore Style of Bharatanatyam!
We request a small contribution of $10.00
On May 31st, Sunday at the Ridgeview room, Dougherty Station Community Center(17011 Bollinger Canyon Road at, E Branch Pkwy, San Ramon, CA), from 7.00pm-8.30pm!
All profits will be donated to the Non-profit organization, Sangam Arts.
Bharatanatyam Dance Jewelry – i-mart store Sunnyvale
i-mart is an Indian Crafts store in Sunnyvale USA that caters to the Indian Traditional Cultural and Religious needs. They stock a vast collection of Bharatanatyam Dance Jewelry and have several designs to choose from
You can also visit the website https://www.india4you.com/product.php?cid=19
Trust this will be useful for the several mothers who are looking for dance jewelry for their daughter’s performances.
Bay Area Dance Week – Bharatanatyam
Bay Area Dance Week – Offering free Lec/Dem titled “Around the world with Bharatanatyam” on May 2nd, 5.30-7.00pm at Oakland Asian Culture Center, Oakland
Please register to this event through the Bay Area Dance Week website. Email : ushanjali200…@g…com
It is a free event. All are welcome!
Carnatic Music and Classical Dance Classes
Bharathanatyam and Carnatic (vocal) classes are under taken. Batches already running. New students are entertained.
- Student friendly environment
- Student friendly methodical tutoring
- Flexibility to choose batch timings
- Moms can also Learn with the kids
- One Sample class is available
All age students are entertained. For details contact Syamaladevi Jaishankar :
336-510-9422 or 925-475-9026