Category Archives: Religion

Arya Samaj Group in Trivalley area

Hi, all, is there is a Arya Samaj group in this area? Or even a few families that could be getting together to do Havan once in a while and working towards inculcating appreciation  for Aum, the Vedas, Gayatri Mantra, the mantras of the Havan, and also a general understanding of the history of the Arya Samaj movement and what it stands for? If not, but anyone could be interested, please contact me and we can set up something. ~ Rohit Email: jivtiho…@g…com

Saraswati Pooja 2017 – August 13th , 1:00 – 4:00 pm

Saraswati Pooja 2017 – by Amrita Bala Kendra
Learning is a lifelong pursuit. School gets us the best start for it.
Let’s get a great start to the upcoming school year 2017-18.
Invoke Mother Saraswati’s blessings as you embark on your journey for knowledge.
This Saraswati Pooja is for the kids, by the kids under the guidance of adults in a kid friendly atmosphere.
Come by, participate and start a wonderful learning year!
M.A Center, 10200 Crow Canyon Road, Castro Valley, 94552
Please register for the event at

Bhagavad Ramanujacharya Millennium Celebration

Shiva-Vishnu Temple, Livermore, CA invites you to a Bhagavad Ramanujacharya’s Millennium event starting on Tuesday, April 25 and concluding on Sunday, April 30. Idols of the Alwars, who composed the Divya Prabhandham, will be installed in the temple. Join fellow devotees chanting the Astakshari Mantra, “Om Namo Narayanaya” eight lakh times! Participate in the Sriman Narayana vratam, arranged for your benefit, each evening. On April 30, take Ramanujacharya on a procession around the temple. For additional details, please visit


Teens Event on Nov 23: ‘Relevance of Hindu Faith, Temple Architecture, & Worship’

Lecture and discussion about ‘Relevance of Hindu Faith, Temple Architecture, and Worship’ at Dublin Library on November 23, 2016 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. This is an exclusive teen’s event (minimum age 13) requested by a group of teens in the San Ramon and Dublin neighborhoods. Limited seats will be filled on a first come first served basis; please pre-register before November 21, 2016 at

pooja viDhi & puruSha sooktha Courses at Livermore Temple

Please check out the 2016 Fall Courses Starting From This Sunday (September 11, 2016) at Livermore Temple.
Course Starts on Sunday, September 11, 2016
Day: Sundays
Number of Classes – 15 – 18
Pooja Vidhi 9.30 am – 10.30 am
Purusha Sookta 10.45 am – 11.45 am
Sri Sookta 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm
Conducted by Sri. Kumar Padmini
Venue: Gangotri
Limited Seats – Maximum 25
Courses are offered in English – Ages 18 and above
This Event is Free
Details here:
Alternatively, email your interest to omtatbrahm…@g…com
Kumar Padmini

Slokam and bhajan class (prarthana)

Hi friends, I am  Sumitra and I live in San Ramon .I am planing to start bhajan and slokam class for little kids .being mother of two little kids i know it is tough to make kids concentrate on the slokam so was planing to make it little interesting by narrating them some interesting epic stories which will make them learn our culture in their own way .I mainly want to make sure kids learn their slokam with meaning .the class will be interesting with stories ,bhajans and little art activities .My class name is PRARTHANA ( prayer with knowledge ) …please mail me at prarthanasum…@g…com for further details .
the class is once a week on Thursday

RANA Holi Celebration (Festival of Colors)

Holi1  Holi3 Holi5RANA Holi Celebration (Festival of Colors), Biggest Holi in Bay Area. It’s time to celebrate the fun filled festival of colors. RANA brings you the biggest Holi Festival in Bay Area inspired by the original Rajasthani Holi in India. RANA Creates the best family experience for all and this time RANA holi is even better.
– On 03/26/2016 (11:00 am – 03:00 pm)
– Cost: 18 –
– Venue: Cardoza Park, Kennedy Dr, Milpitas, CA 95035 Email: Inf…@r…com
Buy your ticket at (limited tickets available)

The Rainbow holi ticket is all inclusive of
– Delicious north Indian Lunch
– organic beautiful colors
– Hot chai tea
– Cold Thandai (Milk drink with rich ingredients)
– DJ Music
– Rajasthani Photo booths
– Free parking

So you just come with your friends and family and RANA will take care of all your needs.
As we say… Khambaa Ghani Saaa… Holi Haiii….

Maha Lakshmi Yaagam Feb 17 – 21 2016 @ Shiva-Vishnu Temple, Livermore

Mahalakshmi Yaagam will be performed at Shiva-Vishnu Temple from February 17 -21 2016. During this auspicious homam, Sri Suktham will be chanted 1600 times by 16 Rithviks while performing homam. Swarna Kireeta Samarpana will be performed on Sunday February 21 2016. Please mark your calendars & plan on participating in this divine event and receive blessings.
Hindu Community and Cultural Center
1232 Arrowhead Ave, Livermore, CA 94551
More details: Maha Lakshmi Yaagam Feb 17 – 21 2016 @ Shiva-Vishnu Temple, Livermore

Srinivasa Kalyanam on 27th June, 2015, Sat

Govu Puja & Srinivasa Kalyanam at Sri Datta Sai Temple, San RamonSDST JUNE 27th 2015 Event
27th June, 2015  Saturday

  • Govu (Cow) Puja 9-30 am to 10-30 am
  • Srinivasa Kalyanam 10-40 am to 12-40 pm
  • Madhyanha Aarati 12:40 pm
  • Kalyana Bhojanam 1:00 pm

Sri Datta Sai Temple, San Ramon
1901 San Ramon Valley Blvd, San Ramon, CA
For more details visit the temple website at
Join our Facebook

Spiritual Programs May 2015 @ Sri Sai Temple, Pleasanton, CA

SPRITUAL PROGRAMS MAY 2015 : Sri Sai Temple is taking this opportunity in welcoming Sejal Lakumb, Satya Kalra Ji , Geeta Seshadri &
Nityalakshmi Iyer for sharing their experiences with all of us

We invite each and every one of you to come and support these programs. For additional details about these programs and for recommending someone to perform at the temple, please contact our front desk devotees with your details & our event coordinator will reach you out to discuss further details.

Sat Sukh (True Happiness) : By Sejal Lakumb
Date: May 17th Sunday 2015
Duration: 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: Adult (aged 25-40)
Time: 5:00 to 6:00 P.M.
Frequency: Once a Month
Focus: Baba’s preaching, practical implementation and FAQs

Bhagavad Gita : By Satya Kalra Ji
Date: May 23rd Saturday 2015
Duration: 90 minutes
Suggested Audience: All ages
Time: 10:30 A.M. to 12 (noon)
Frequency: Once a Month

Devotional Songs : Geeta Seshadri & Nityalakshmi Iyer
Date: May 23rd Saturday 2015
Time: 12:30 to 1:00PM – by Geeta Seshadri
Duration: 30 minutes
Time: 1:00 to 1:30PM – by Nityalakshmi Iyer
Duration: 30 minutes

Sri Sai Temple May 2015 Flyer
6644 Owens Dr, Pleasanton, CA-94588

Sri Sai Temple – Pleasanton Ugadi & Gudipadawa Celebrations

Ugadi Celebrations on Saturday March 21th! Yugadhi flyer8X11
Pooja: 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM
Madhyan Aarati: 12.00 AM to 12.30 AM
Sai Bhajans by Group: 12.30 PM to 1.30 PM
Sai Bhajans by Group: 1.30 PM to 2.45 PM
Kids Dance Program: 3.00 PM to 3.30 PM
Kids Bhajans: 4.00 PM to 4.30 PM
Sai Bhajans by Group: 4.30 PM to 6.00 PM
Dance Program by Vineela: 6.00 PM to 7.00 PM
Dhoop Aarati: 7.00 PM to 7.30 PM
Sai Bhajans by Group: 7.30 PM to 8.30 PM
Shej Aarati: 8.30 PM to 9.00 PM

Address: 6644 Owens Dr, Pleasanton, CA 94588
Ram Navami Celebrations on 28th March!
More information: event…@s…com

Campaign –

The issue addressed is ‘Presentation of Hinduism & Indian Civilization in California K – 12 Schools’.
Please spread the word about the web-site for the letter campaign and ask your friends and co-workers to participate.
If you have already signed the letters physically once please do not sign on the web-site again. Your name is already added as signatory.

The campaign is about the way Hinduism and Indian Civilization is portrayed.

  • Hinduism presented in 6th Grade Textbook lacking in accuracy, factual content and sensitivity.
  • Indian civilization is not mentioned in 7th Grade World History despite being ~1/3 of the GDP of the world during that time.
  • California state standards regarding religion & ethnicity are not applied to Hinduism and Indian Civilization.

Sai Sai Temple – Pleasanton

The Sai Baba temple in Pleasanton is organizing its one year anniversary celebration on Sunday, September 14th. The day is full of activities with Bhajans, Dance Performance by children, etc. Sai Baba Temple PleasantonSai Sai Temple, Pleasanton The attendance at the temple has steadily been increasing over the past year. The weekly high point is considered to be the usual Thursday Aarti between 7:45 and 9:00. The temple is open everyday morning and evening.
The temple was formed as a break away from the Sri Datta Sai Mandir, San Ramon when 6 or 7 volunteers pooled resources and took up a location on rent in Pleasanton at the Hopyard exit, near Home Depot. To their credit, you don’t see any names – only silent volunteer work towards their purpose.
The temple is always looking for volunteers, or you can sign up to contribute towards the wish list.
So if you live in the area, a good place to make a spiritual call to, especially on Thursday evenings. You will also get a feel of the community, see kids helping each other in their own little area with color crayons, volunteers helping with prasadam (food) and some others hanging outside.
Directions to sai sai temple pleasantonThe address is:
Sri Sai Temple
6644 Owens Dr.
Pleasanton, CA-94588.
Tel:(925) 732 1343

Hindu American Foundation presents a panel discussion in San Ramon

Caste, Cows, And Curriculum – What your children are being taught about your religion, heritage, and culture in our schools

“When you die, do you think you’ll come back as an ant?”
“Are your parents saving up for your dowry?”
“What caste are you? Can you eat at the same table as Sachin or is he a lower caste?”

Taunts such as these are unfortunately common in 6th grade classrooms across the state and leave children embarrassed about their religion and heritage. These stereotypes are perpetuated by the misrepresentation and negative portrayals of religion in school textbooks.

California public school textbooks play an important role in educating students and providing them with exposure to diverse religions and ethnic groups. Inaccurate and biased information, however, has a significant impact on students, teachers, and parents and can lead to discrimination and bullying of children.

Join the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) and a diverse panel of academics, interfaith activists, and communications experts for a stimulating discussion on the representation of religion in school textbooks and academia. Come find out what your children are being taught about your religion, heritage, and culture in California schools, what HAF and other communities are doing about it, and how you can get involved!

Date: Sunday, April 6, 2014
Time: 1:00 – 3:00pm
Location: San Ramon Library, 100 Montgomery St, San Ramon, CA 94583
Vamsee Juluri, Professor of Media Studies at University of San Francisco
Dr. Barbara A McGraw, Director of the Center for Engaged Pluralism at St. Mary’s University
Maha Elgenaidi, Founder of the Islamic Networks Group
Dr. Vineet Sharma, HAF Executive Council Member
Local Contacts: Hema Patel ( and Brinda Patel (

Sloka Class in San Ramon

Hi, I am doing a cultural program for children teaching the values of ancient Indian culture . The curriculum focuses on Slokas, Bhajans, Epic stories, and the significance of Indian festivals with primary emphasis on nourishing the values of our culture. Little kids have short attention spans, and will wander off or start doing their own thing if we lose their attention. So I will break the class up into lots of little sections with slokas, stories and other fun activities. I would like to take the opportunity to impart my knowledge and hence bring in awareness of our Indian culture through fun activities!
For more information, contact me in

VEDA Classes weekly on Wed at SanRamon

VEDA classes on Wednesdays from 8:30 PM – 9:15 PM. The VEDA classes will be held every week at the temple , unless there is any major event or program that falls on a Wednesday. Please avail this opportunity to learn the VEDA MANTRAS from a qualified GURU and practice. Please contact Priest Chandrasekhara Sharma garu for details.

Study Session on Upanishads

Spirituality is the concern for spirit.  A host of questions arise from this concern. These questions are to be organized properly and their answers searched systematically if we want to understand the nature of spirituality and its relevance to our lives.  Only then we can hope to graduate from blind belief that makes an awful life tolerable to genuine faith that reveals the beauty of freedom and creativity in a life filled with meaning.  By addressing the questions that arise from the concern for spirit directly Upanishads attempt to discover the yoga that connects the spirit with worldly life.

The ideas contained in the Upanishads are timeless.  They are capable of being applied in any context. Meaningful enhancement of identity through creativity, maintaining a balanced quality existence and finding one’s true relevance are ideas that remain fresh at all times in all places and contexts.  These are the essential concerns for any entity during its existence in this world.  Upanishads recognize that to address these issues effectively one has to go beyond the plane where these occur and organize the wedding of the esoteric with the mundane.

I am planning to have a study session on Upanishads at San Ramon from the first week of March 2013.

For a theme note on the session please go to

The sessions will be conducted during the weekends. This is essentially a programme addressed to young adults.  All young persons in the age group 18 – 60 years are welcome.

Interested persons may please contact me at

Shirdi Sai Baba Lemon Lamps Pooja in San Ramon

Lemon Lamps pooja is being performed by the devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba living in Tri-Valley as it brings Health, Happiness, Strength, Overcome Struggles, Wealth and Prosperity.
Shirdi Sai Baba used to light lamps in Dwarakamai everyday to bring Health, Wealth and happiness for every family residing in the village of Shirdi.
All devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba are invited to be part of this Pooja and seek the blessings of Baba, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha.

Venue: Dougherty Valley High School, 10550 Albion Road, San Ramon, CA-94583
Date & Time: Saturday, Nov. 3rd, 2012 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Program: Bhajan, Sankalpam, Abhishekam and Pooja (Prasadam will be provided)

Volunteers: We are looking for volunteers for this Pooja. If you are interested, please enter your details in the sign up sheet on the website
For more information, please visit the website or Facebook page ( ).

Kindly inform & invite your friends to this Pooja. Sairam, Sri Sai Temple, Tri-Valley, CA

Ganesh Chaturthi for Kids in Pleasanton

Have you made clay Ganeshas in your childhood and want your children as well to have the same divine experience?

The Balagokulam chapter of Pleasanton is organising a Ganesh Chaturthi activity for the kids. Kids will be making clay Ganeshas and take them home to perform Puja.

The event details are below:

Venue: Creekside Park,  5665 W Las Positas Blvd, Pleasanton
Date:  September 16th (Sunday)
Time: 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Please note that the parents need to be present to assist the kids in making the Ganesha murthis.  All materials needed for the activity will be provided by us. This FREE event is an activity of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh to educate kids about their roots.

You can also view the flier for the event here:

Mantra Sadhana Seminar – Art Of Living Tri Valley

A rare opportunity to learn the meaning and correct chanting of the Mantras – this is the very first Mantra Sadhana Seminar being hosted in the TriValley Area.

What is a mantra? “Mananaat traayate iti mantrah” – That which helps the mind to transcend, that which saves you from repetitiveness is a mantra. A repetitive thought is a worry. Mantras help to free you from worries. Mantras are universal and can be chanted by anyone. Since 5000 years, people have achieved higher states of consciousness, attained supreme peace and experienced bliss by chanting mantras.

The seminar teaches the correct intonation and meaning of popular ancient Sanskrit Mantras. Knowing the meaning of the mantra invokes peace, love, and leads to a meditative state. Chanting mantras creates subtle vibrations that affect the consciousness in a positive way.

This workshop is open to anyone above 16 yrs of age. The course consists of theoretical background on different branches of Vedas and basics of Vedic chanting with its specific style consisting of udaat (high), anudaat (low) and svarit (middle) notes. This course also covers common Mantras and ensures that the student understands the meaning of the Mantras and master the correct intonation for chanting the mantras

This will be taught by Prof V. Sastry who is an Engineering Professor and is a priest at Halifax Hindu Temple in Canada.

Introduction to Mantra Sadhna Seminar and Interview with SastryJi:

Register for the course at

Hindu Heritage Camp for Kids Apr 8

We are having a Hindu Heritage Camp  for kids (age 5 yrs to 13 yrs) at Dublin Library on 8th April (Sunday) from 1 PM – 4:30 PM. With a perfect blend of cultural activities, games and sports and religious lessons, HHC is proven to be an effective medium to impart Hindu values to the children while they make many friends. The following are the activities to be held the coming Sunday afternoon:

  • Ice Breakers for kids to get acquainted with others and feel comfortable as a group.
  • Warm-up exercises for kids to get ready to play games.
  • Games where kids have fun and channelize their loads of energy.
  • Shlokas to be recited during various times of a day – waking up, food, study time, sleep. 
  • Art and Crafts to realize their innate creativity and artistic talents.
  • Story telling where kids learn moral and historic stories to develop great character.
  • Discussions where they can address common challenges faced by kids at school.

There will finally be a kids performance of what they learn as well. Please register immediately at

Where:            Dublin Library, 200 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568
When :            April 8th, 2012
Time:              1 PM – 4:30 PM
Fees:                $11/Family (goes towards Balgokulam souvenir and Balagokulam magazine annual subscription)
Contact:         Smita @ 925-354-4396 and Shailaja @ 925-931-0654
Email id:

Forward it to all those who want their kids to be confident Hindus!

100 devotees to chant the 1000 names of Lord Ayyappa

For the first time ever, Ayyappa Samaaj will be conducting this very special puja for Lord Ayyappa on Saturday, December 17, 2011 at the Livermore Temple. On this day, at least 100 devotees are needed to chant the 1000 names of Lord Ayyappa. All devotees are requested to participate in this event LAKSHA ARCHANA on DEC 17 2011 @ 4:00 PM and receive HIS blessings. Register for Laksha Archana and/or Maala Dhaarana (Deeksha).

Also, all devotees are invited to attend Ayyappa Bhajan, Archana & Abhishekam at the Livermore Shiva-Vishnu temple on Sunday, December 18, 2011 @ 6:00 PM. Every month, on Uttara Phalguni thithi, bhajans, abhishekam and archana are scheduled at the Livermore temple.

Schedule (Sunday, December 18, 2011):

6:00 PM Sankalpam, Abhishekam
6:30 PM Bhajan Starts with Sharana Ghosham
7:00 PM Bhajan Ends, Aarti and Maha Prasadam

This is part of Ayyappa Samaaj’s Mandalam Season 2011 – From 11/16/11 To 1/15/2012.
About Mandalam Season: The months of Kaartika / Vrishchika, Maargazhi / Dhanur are most auspicious for Lord Ayyappa, during which period Mandala Puja is celebrated. Devotees observe traditional austerities (vratham), which normally start from the first day of Kaartika/ Vrishchikam (November 16). Devotees initiate the vratham by wearing a Thulasi or a Rudraksha maala. After 41 days (on December 25th) the devotees end their vratham by carrying Irumudi and removing the maala. (Kids can observe short vratham days by wearing maala on December 17th and end it on December 25th). On January 15, 2012 we will also celebrate Makara Vilakku puja.

Art of Living is living and thriving in Tri Valley

Recently a friend attended a three day Art of Meditation course, and another talked about it. And then another one. So looks like Art of Living San Ramon/Pleasanton center is coming of age.

There is a FREE event in the effering. Called “Meditation Marathon”, it will be held on March 5th 2011 at the Art of Living Center for Yoga and Meditation, Tri Valley location 6690 Amador Plaza Road, Suite 215 Dublin (925-5AOL-101). The event begins at 9am and ends at 4:00pm. There will have multiple sessions that will “help you explore your mind and bring you to the peace within”. This event is for beginners as well as seasoned meditators.

Schedule of Events:

SUKSHMA YOGA – ancient yoga that prepares the mind and body for meditation
BREATHING TECHNIQUES – learn techniques and tools to take home to quieten the mind and relax
GUIDED MEDITATIONS – led by world renowned Spiritual leader
VIDEO PRESENTATION – to understand the mechanics of the mind
CHANTING – Chanting meditation

Participants should bring a yoga mat, water and a blanket. There are no registration requirements, but confirm by calling the number above, or contact for more information.

There is Art Excel Follow Up on Mar 06, 2011 at 4:00 PM, again a free event.

The next course (paid – $250) would be Saturday, March 17 – 20. In just three sessions of two hours each, participants “learn to tap the depths of our nature. After the course we can use this simple meditation practice to overcome the effects of inevitable stressful situations and make a positive impact on the quality of our lives”. The highlight of the course is the Sudarshan Kriya: An immensely powerful technique that incorporates specific natural rhythms of breath to release stress and purify the entire system by releasing toxins at the deepest cellular level. In addition you can expect talks on wisdom, useful breathing techniques, and even some fun!
There is another course from March 26th-28th, 2011

  • Friday Singing Satsang at 7 p.m. at the Tri-Valley Center
  • Long Kriya Schedule at the Center: Wednesday Long Kriya 7pm-8:30pm, Saturday Long Kriya 7am-9am
  • Mahasivaratri Celebrations, March 2nd, 2011 from 7pm onwards at Tri-Valley Center

The center may also organize Festival of Colors (Holi) on March 19th, 2011. Stay tuned for updates here.

Diwali Celebrations this year

How is it like celebrating Diwali in bay area this year 2010? There’s been Dandiya dances all over in October. The desi stores are decked up with Diwali mithai and puja stuff. You could be planning get-togethers with friends and family. And now there are Diwali festivals being organized all over the bay area, and you could decide to attend one of those.

There is general festivity in the air. Even the stores in the malls and elsewhere are beginning to show that holiday season is not far away. So if you would like to do any new purchases on occasion of Diwali – the Dhanteras Tradition, its not a bad time either.
The lead this year, like others, for Diwali celebration is being provided by the temples of the region.
The Bay Area Youth Vaishnav Parivar is organizing what they call ‘Diwali Celebration like back home in India‘ for five days from Nov 2 to 7 in Milpitas.
The Sunnyvale Hindu Temple is organizing Diwali Mela 2010 from Oct 29 – 31. The Livermore Hindu Temple is organizing special puja on Nov 5 and 6. The Fremont temple has the big festival going on on Nov 6. The Sikh Gurudwaras have a huge Diwali celebration and langar on Diwali as well.

Diwali at Fremont Gurdwara
Diwali at Fremont Gurdwara

Adding to the festival calendar during this time, especially for the kids, is Halloween. If adults want to indulge, there is Halloween Party + Miss India Norcal at an event organized in Milpitas.

The businesses and other associations have been active as well. Cupertino Chamber of Commerce & Asian American Business Council organized Diwali Festival on Oct 8, and IIT Foundation had their cultural competition on Oct 2 in Campbell.
The Tri Valley Indian Association is also organizing their Diwali night on Nov 13 at the Hart Middle School, Pleasanton. So if you are in Dublin, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Livermore, Danville – this could be your local Diwali festival. (UPDATE Nov 4, 2010 – the Pleasanton event stands cancelled).

Private parties and potlucks on Diwali are common – then there are Diwali Meetups like this one if one is interested in for San Ramon Pleasanton area for Nov 6.

And finally, for the day of Diwali, plan on dressing up, lighting up your house, do rangoli, puja, eat a lot of mitthai but refrain from any fireworks.

Balagokulam in San Ramon

Every Sunday from 09:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Coordinators: Subramanya Gupta, Shivangi Bhatnagar
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA

Every Sunday from 09:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Coordinators: Subramanya Gupta, Shivangi Bhatnagar

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA