Category Archives: Networking

Community Reception for PM Shri Narendra Modi – Sep 27

Dear Friends, It gives us great pleasure to inform you that Hon. Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi ji will be in the Bay Area in September. Overseas Volunteer for a Better India (OVBI) is a welcoming partner for the Community Reception being organized by Indo American Community of West Coast on Sunday, September 27 at SAP Center in San Jose.
As welcoming partner OVBI members can apply for free passes for this reception.
We invite all our members and friends to apply for passes bysending an email to
You will receive an auto reply giving you the next steps and also a CODE to register.
Please note that applying for passes does not guarantee a seat at the event. The organizers will need to go through a number of security related steps and also based on how many people register to allot actual seats. Once your seat is confirmed you will be given your pass only after an ID check. So please register you and your family members with the correct and full names after receiving the code.
Looking forward to having you join us in welcoming Prime Minister Modi during his historic visit to the Silicon Valley.
Jai Hind!
OVBI Team 1-408-641-0130

Kerala group 2015 ONAM Celebration on Sun, Sep 13th

SanGaMa – the Tri-valley Kerala volunteer group is planning to 2015 ONAM celebration on Sunday, September 13th. Please send a note if you are interested to join the fun with family & friends and interact with like-minded local families!  As part of our cultural outreach efforts, we encourage anyone to join and enjoy the traditional Sadya(feast), Thiruvathira dance, Maveli(the king) and other cultural programs by adults/kids.

We typically have families from all nearby towns like Dublin, San Ramon, Pleasanton, Danville, Livermore, Mountain House and Fremont.
Check out the details at
If you are a local business, and interested in sponsoring the event please let us know.
Thank you,

H: 925-556-9375

Proposing a Musical get together

Hi There, I live on Lee Thompson St. in Dublin having a big entertainment room in my home. I am not professional but enjoy musical get together like Instrument playing, Karaoke, Singing etc. so I am checking if some like-minded people want to join for occasional musical get together for fun. And if we get appropriate set of people we can think of launching a Desi Band. If interested please send email to imakka…@g…com with your brief introduction and what you can do in music? how you rate yourself beginner/medium/advanced? Thanks/Happy

Career Networking Event in San Ramon on Sat (6/20) 3PM

WinCareerNetwork is organizing a FREE “Meet & Greet” and career networking/speaker event in San Ramon on Saturday at 3:00PM. This is an opportunity to meet up with like-minded individuals and develop your professional network.

When: Saturday, June 20, 2015 at 3:00 P.M.
Where: SiliconValley4U, 2603 Camino Ramon, San Ramon, CA
Topic : “Career growth in a very highly competitive world – What you have and what you need” – Saravanan
If you plan to attend, kindly RSVP at

WinCareerNetwork is a volunteer career networking group and all sessions are free to the participants. Feel free to join, if you would like to be notified of future events.
Thank you,

Startup eco-system in Tri Valley – bringing Silicon Valley home

Dear neighbors, I am writing to announce the creation of a local startup incubator, which is desperately needed in our community. What separates the Tri Valley from Silicon Valley is the billion dollar organizations that are founded, supported and grown there.

Over the course of the last couple of years, I have met with a number of entrepreneurs from our community who all lacked some piece of the “secret sauce” that kept them from gaining traction in their new venture startup. This new effort that I am embarking on is to turn those ideas by our neighbors into the next billion dollar company.

What our effort entails is the creation of an eco-system which fosters innovation and brings 3 ingredients together.
1) Entrepreneurs – With the idea.
2) Mentors – with domain specific expertise (Software, Marketing, Sales, UX etc) to join the network and help the Entrepreneurs successfully get their business ideas off the ground.
3) Seed Investors – Who can make small investments to fund the new ideas.

At this stage we are just requesting for you to give us an indication of your interest and willingness to help. There is no obligation on your part other than that you have an interest to help, so please visit and click on the “Get Involved” button, where you can select one of multiple options of where you can help turn the Tri Valley into the next Silicon Valley.

We will collect all the inquiries we receive and email status updates on the progression of our outreach and once we have amassed enough support to get the program launched, we will start holding individual and small group meetings to move the opportunity forward.

By way of introduction, I have been in and around startups for nearly 15 years. I have helped to grow one startup from $1M in annual sales to $250M in annual sales and advised many others. My partner Rajeev is Product, Mobile, and Technology leader who also happens to be an entrepreneur. It was his entrepreneurship that brought us together and eventually lead to the creation of

I will in close mention that this venture is currently only open to residents of San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton and Danville. It is neighbor helping neighbor. And for those who have 1+ hour commutes to work each day, just imagine helping mentor your neighbors company, to see it gain traction, to grow, and possibly offer you a local job and the opportunity to be a part of the next big thing.

We have the talent, education, and ideas, now let’s put it to work. Please feel free to forward this message to your friends and family in the area, even if you cannot participate yourself, so that we can assure the successful launch of the program for our community.

Rajeev & Abdul

ZARA bachke f0r Indian men in Tri valley

It’s a thought that we are privileged to be living in this region of the country with all the presence of desi community, public amenities, the landscape, and all the aspirations that we carry around even with a nostalgic feeling of social dynamism back in our country.
Now, as BOYS & MEN, lets come together to explore many things the area has to offer and we as MEN can take. Some activities could include:

  • running & biking on trails
  • hiking
  • sports (badminton, volleyball, kayaking)
  • playground converge along with kids (Dads with kids)
  • just meet and chat no matter where and when (on a drink-dinner)
  • watch sports

At this moment this is for MEN only please. You can propagate the idea, if you wish, and please record your email in your response so that we can create a common stage.

TELANGANA social in Tri Valley of Bay area

to ALL the TELANGANAS dwelling in the cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, San Ramon, & Danville (and so on):

The one and only requirement is to have a penchant for TELANGANA.
We should feel the urge to have a common group to share, grow, perpetuate and permeate. I’m sure everybody is unique and have their own set of interests, taste but we probably do cross roads with each other (as in physically in our day-to-day commute and in our interests, needs, and wants). There is nothing like an absolute conglomeration of unified diversity.
So when and if you come across this and feel the same way or not…………….take a plunge and be a part of what you are and will be! Wherever you live in Tri valley and whatever you do come celebrate TELANGANAM. Do not forget to record your email in your response and spread the word to your friends and relatives.

Create and garner new friendships; support existing and new families/individuals in the area; guide the younger ones; share the cultural givings; professional, social chit-chats; common good of  Telangana.

Let’s get this going and help all our fellow Telanganas along with our own self.

Indians in Park Sierra Apts, Dublin, CA

We recently moved to Dublin and living in Park Sierra Apts. since about a month. I want to see if there are any INDIAN families living/renting in Park Sierra in Dublin, CA. If you do come across this thread get the conversation going please. We are a family of 3 with a young 3 year old. Let’s get Social!

the INDIAN umbrella in Tri-city area in the Trivalley

to ALL the INDIAN-ORIGIN residents of the cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, & Livermore:

We should feel the urge to have a common group with disregard to all the regions where we hail from in India, language, creed. I’m sure everybody is unique and have their own set of interests, taste but we probably do cross roads with each other (as in physically in our day-to-day commute and in our interests, needs, and wants). There is nothing like an absolute conglomeration of unified diversity.
So when and if you come across this thread and feel the same way or not…………….take a plunge and be a part of what you are and will be! Wherever you live in these 3 cities (Dublin, Pleasanton, & Livermore) and whatever you do come celebrate INDIANNESS. Do not forget to record your email in your response and spread the word to your friends and relatives.

Let’s get this going and help all our fellow Indians along with our own self.

Work-from-home Coffee group

Tri-Valley area increasingly has a large number of people who got to figure out the ‘commute’ aspect of their lives. Everyone dreads 680 during office commute hours; so some do very early, odd hours, and others choose car pools that help a bit, so does the variable toll lane. Many others have figured a way to only commute a couple or so days a week. Taking BART to the city has its own issues – parking, passes, you go standing unless you rush in at first Dublin/Pleasanton station. And then there are those lucky ones who commute to a job within this area; and best, who have no commute at all, i.e. they work from home.
Many companies are beginning to let their employees to work from home. There are many plus-es to it, and many negatives. That’s another story. One key aspect is the missing social set up: you don’t have people to meet and greet over coffee, lunch, on way to meetings, rest room, parking.
So this is a call to set up a local group to keep the social aspect alive. If you predominantly work from home, and would like to meet other people (in similar situation) over an occasional cup of coffee, or may be even over lunch, please reach out. We could probably meet over a monthly lunch, or take a coffee break someone centrally near Hacienda Crossings at around 3:00 PM (when the east coast starts going dead). The common thread would, obviously, be, that we all work from home! Any other ideas are totally welcome.
Please email me at or leave a message below.
Thanks, Rohit

SanGaMa- theTrivalley Malayali (Kerala) group!

Due to our growth over the years, we have folks from all over tri-valley and hence we recently renamed our group to “SanGaMa” to mean gathering of Malayali community in the trivalley area. Check out our new website at . If you have roots in Kerala and are living in Dublin, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Danville or planning to move here, you will find the group helpful.

We recently celebrated Onam with much fanfare and are getting started with planning our  Christmas get-together. Check out the site for more details or join our facebook page. Check out the videos and pics at the website!


What is SanGaMa ?
Started in late 2009, this a  friendly group started for the  benefit of Malayalis living in San Francisco East Bay locations like   San Ramon, Dublin, Danville and Pleasanton … We celebrate  festivals  of Kerala like Onam,Vishu, Christmas/New Year  etc…This also functions as a forum for networking with other Malayali  (Kerala) families in the area.    We have periodic  get-togethers for our main events or we go for short-trips in the bay area or we just hang out with one another occasionally! If you know of  other families with roots in Kerala in the neighborhood who might be interested, please spread the word.

People living in San Ramon, Dublin, Danville & Pleasanton areas  would find this group useful. It includes major communities like  Windemere and Gale Ranch in San Ramon.
We are a friendly feel free to join !

Contact us at :


Biking on East Bay trails

Are you interested in biking with us to form a South Asian Heart Center -East Bay group on a regular basis? We would be biking on only paved trails in the Bay Area. The start time will be at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings (weather permitting).

If you are interested in joining, please email us back at so that we can keep you informed of the locations. Please inform anyone you know who might be interested!

Any place desi parents (visiting from india) meet up/walk in evenings?

Hello, I live in pleasanton and have parents visiting from India;  but they are bored in the evenings. Is there a place desi parents (visiting from India) meet up/walk  in evenings? Similar to lake Elizabeth area in Fremont?

Preferably closer to pleasanton/dublin (as opposed to Windermere) – that is too far from where I live.

Relocate to India job fair

24th June, 2010:  Relocate to India, Job Fair

When: 24 June 2010
6pm to 9pm events/june24caindex.htm

Where: Biltmore Hotel , Suite 215 Laurelwod Road Santa Clara , CA 95054

Jobs in India for returning professionals

Companies in India are looking to hire professionals with US experience / education. The SiliconIndia Job Fair 2010 will bring together recruiters, HR Managers and candidates who are looking for that right company and opportunity to return to India You can meet recruiters at their booths personally and discuss employment opportunities. It is not just software anymore; companies are also looking for specialized skills in systems, chip design, testing, senior level project management marketing, business development and much more? This is 7th year of these one of a kind job fairs where professionals returning to India can interview with hiring companies in U.S. only. From our previous events, more then half the attendees’ return back to India in 3 months with job offers. There are half the attendees’ return back to India in 3 months with job offers. There are company’s specific relocation packages to India. By industry estimates, more than 20,000 professional Indians have returned back to India in last 2 years. It’s much more convenient to get the dream job with a MNC in India while in U.S. at SiliconIndia Job fair then looking for a job after landing in India.

Yahoo group for desi community in tri-valley

This is a group for Desi folks in the East Bay Area ( mainly San Ramon , Dublin , Pleasanton , Livermore , Danville ) to meet other fellow desis. Everyone is encouraged to participate and organize events for the group. Our intention is bring together people from the East Indian / Pakistani community in the East Bay area . So if you are looking for a place to interact with people from India or the Indian Continent, to make new friends, you’r in the right place.


Sample of questions being addressed:

Can you please refer any good driving instructor here in San Ramon? I prefer someone who can come to San Ramon and teach my wife.
Ladies dinner on oct 23rd fri evening at 6:30pm
Looking for a Nanny
Feedback on Pleasanton KinderCare
Need Vegetarian Catering service
  • Can you please refer any good driving instructor here in San Ramon? I prefer someone who can come to San Ramon and teach my wife.
  • Ladies dinner on oct 23rd fri evening at 6:30pm
  • Looking for a Nanny
  • Feedback on Pleasanton KinderCare
  • playdates
  • Need Vegetarian Catering service