Category Archives: Community

Tri Valley Desi Population – on Map for the first time

What’s a better testimony than numbers? That the Tri Valley Area is undergoing a demographic transformation can be generally seen, but is clearly depicted in this Racial Dot Map produced by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service based on 2010 Census data. The RED dots represent Asian Population, and its easy to see how the area looked like almost four years back.  If anything, the density of the red may only be increasing in this area; in fact rather drastically over last couple of years.

Granted the red dots represent the Asian population as a whole, not people from Indian sub-continent as such. But going by what one may be observing see on the streets, stores and schools, and anecdotal data, it may not be an over statement to say that the desi Indian population is almost exploding at least in some specific areas.

The Dot Map below from Cooper Center has been over laid with specific local areas/streets to help easily identify the areas under focus.

Tri Valley Desi Asian Population in Bay Area, CA - Racial Dot Map
Tri Valley Desi Asian Population – Racial Dot Map

The Map provides a good picture of which Tri Valley Areas are popular with the Asians or Indians. What really comes as no surprise is the Windermere, Gale Ranch, Camino Tassajara area of San Ramon, along Bollinger Canyon Road. Its known to be thickly populated with Indians and Chinese. On some streets and roads you will only find Indian households door to door, one after the other. Some people says its much of a South Indian microcosm. The schools of the area present the same picture – and have excellent scores. Next in San Ramon are some older areas in west San Ramon along Alcosta and Marketplace. Particularly apartments there are high density Indians. Coming down south, the Pine Valley area has some desi population, and further south, the area between Alcosta and Village Parkway in Dublin is again heavily dotted with red.

East Dublin is the other major desi area. Especially the last couple of years has seen a major influx of desis moving from all over the Bay Area into the Dublin Ranch neighborhood, including Positano and other new construction going on in the area at fast pace that supposedly provides some of the best value in the entire Bay Area. The prime area surrounding popular  Emerald Glen park is pretty multi racial, but still reasonably desi as well. Especially towards the north of it. Dublin Boulevard from Hacienda to Village Parkway provides the best desi shopping experience with multiple stores and the Regal Cinema at Hacienda is always on with the latest Hindi release from Bollywood. The schools in the area are getting better every year – that is a no brainer. The Brigadoon area on the far west has a few desis living as well, and so do the apartments along the Dougherty Road. The apartment/condo living next to Bart in Dublin again has a good concentration of desi folks.

Pleasanton is where this Dot Map helps to give a more definitive picture than is generally known. The area between Owens Drive, Avalon Apartments and Stoneridge is heavily red. This has probably even gone higher in last year – especially with the apartments in the area. As Stoneridge meanders to the east, the homes around it are again pretty Asian, going up drastically around the south western end of Stoneridge. While West Pleasanton over all has a sprinkling of Indian population, the central business district goes quite opposite, and then again increases along 680, and showing high around the apartments south of Stoneridge Mall.

Asians are generally sprinkled over all of Tri Valley area, and Livermore shows the same pattern. The Indian population shows a little higher numbers around the Livermore Temple, kind of expected.

Check for the actual numbers from the 2010 Census for Asian Indians in Tri Valley Area with Percentage.

If you are aware of specific areas that are significantly growing in Indian Desi population, please feel free to comment below.

Hindu American Foundation presents a panel discussion in San Ramon

Caste, Cows, And Curriculum – What your children are being taught about your religion, heritage, and culture in our schools

“When you die, do you think you’ll come back as an ant?”
“Are your parents saving up for your dowry?”
“What caste are you? Can you eat at the same table as Sachin or is he a lower caste?”

Taunts such as these are unfortunately common in 6th grade classrooms across the state and leave children embarrassed about their religion and heritage. These stereotypes are perpetuated by the misrepresentation and negative portrayals of religion in school textbooks.

California public school textbooks play an important role in educating students and providing them with exposure to diverse religions and ethnic groups. Inaccurate and biased information, however, has a significant impact on students, teachers, and parents and can lead to discrimination and bullying of children.

Join the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) and a diverse panel of academics, interfaith activists, and communications experts for a stimulating discussion on the representation of religion in school textbooks and academia. Come find out what your children are being taught about your religion, heritage, and culture in California schools, what HAF and other communities are doing about it, and how you can get involved!

Date: Sunday, April 6, 2014
Time: 1:00 – 3:00pm
Location: San Ramon Library, 100 Montgomery St, San Ramon, CA 94583
Vamsee Juluri, Professor of Media Studies at University of San Francisco
Dr. Barbara A McGraw, Director of the Center for Engaged Pluralism at St. Mary’s University
Maha Elgenaidi, Founder of the Islamic Networks Group
Dr. Vineet Sharma, HAF Executive Council Member
Local Contacts: Hema Patel ( and Brinda Patel (

ZARA bachke f0r Indian men in Tri valley

It’s a thought that we are privileged to be living in this region of the country with all the presence of desi community, public amenities, the landscape, and all the aspirations that we carry around even with a nostalgic feeling of social dynamism back in our country.
Now, as BOYS & MEN, lets come together to explore many things the area has to offer and we as MEN can take. Some activities could include:

  • running & biking on trails
  • hiking
  • sports (badminton, volleyball, kayaking)
  • playground converge along with kids (Dads with kids)
  • just meet and chat no matter where and when (on a drink-dinner)
  • watch sports

At this moment this is for MEN only please. You can propagate the idea, if you wish, and please record your email in your response so that we can create a common stage.

TELANGANA social in tri valley of bay area

to ALL the TELANGANAS dwelling in the cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, San Ramon, & Danville (and so on):

The one and only requirement is to have a penchant for TELANGANA.
We should feel the urge to have a common group to share, grow, perpetuate and permeate. I’m sure everybody is unique and have their own set of interests, taste but we probably do cross roads with each other (as in physically in our day-to-day commute and in our interests, needs, and wants). There is nothing like an absolute conglomeration of unified diversity.
So when and if you come across this and feel the same way or not…………….take a plunge and be a part of what you are and will be! Wherever you live in Tri valley and whatever you do come celebrate TELANGANAM. Do not forget to record your email in your response and spread the word to your friends and relatives.

Create and garner new friendships; support existing and new families/individuals in the area; guide the younger ones; share the cultural givings; professional, social chit-chats; common good of Telangana.

Let’s get this going and help all our fellow Telanganas along with our own self.

TELANGANA social in Tri Valley of Bay area

to ALL the TELANGANAS dwelling in the cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, San Ramon, & Danville (and so on):

The one and only requirement is to have a penchant for TELANGANA.
We should feel the urge to have a common group to share, grow, perpetuate and permeate. I’m sure everybody is unique and have their own set of interests, taste but we probably do cross roads with each other (as in physically in our day-to-day commute and in our interests, needs, and wants). There is nothing like an absolute conglomeration of unified diversity.
So when and if you come across this and feel the same way or not…………….take a plunge and be a part of what you are and will be! Wherever you live in Tri valley and whatever you do come celebrate TELANGANAM. Do not forget to record your email in your response and spread the word to your friends and relatives.

Create and garner new friendships; support existing and new families/individuals in the area; guide the younger ones; share the cultural givings; professional, social chit-chats; common good of  Telangana.

Let’s get this going and help all our fellow Telanganas along with our own self.

Indians in Park Sierra Apts, Dublin, CA

We recently moved to Dublin and living in Park Sierra Apts. since about a month. I want to see if there are any INDIAN families living/renting in Park Sierra in Dublin, CA. If you do come across this thread get the conversation going please. We are a family of 3 with a young 3 year old. Let’s get Social!

the INDIAN umbrella in Tri-city area in the Trivalley

to ALL the INDIAN-ORIGIN residents of the cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, & Livermore:

We should feel the urge to have a common group with disregard to all the regions where we hail from in India, language, creed. I’m sure everybody is unique and have their own set of interests, taste but we probably do cross roads with each other (as in physically in our day-to-day commute and in our interests, needs, and wants). There is nothing like an absolute conglomeration of unified diversity.
So when and if you come across this thread and feel the same way or not…………….take a plunge and be a part of what you are and will be! Wherever you live in these 3 cities (Dublin, Pleasanton, & Livermore) and whatever you do come celebrate INDIANNESS. Do not forget to record your email in your response and spread the word to your friends and relatives.

Let’s get this going and help all our fellow Indians along with our own self.

A Unique Musical concert – Parama Prema

Nandalala Mission, a 501(c)(3) entity located in the bay area, has a long history of community service throughout the United States. This 100% volunteer run organization focuses on nurturing children’s fullest potential through educational, cultural and service oriented activities

Nandalala Mission is hosting a benefit musical concert on November 23rd in Palo Alto. Sangeetha Vidhushi Smt. Jayashree Varadarajan, Founder of Sri Rama Lalitha Kala Mandir School of Fine Arts, in Sunnyvale, is producing and performing Pro Bono, a unique production called “Parama Prema, A Celebration of Divine Love”, expressing the spirit of selfless service through music.

There will be over one hundred students for the two-hour musical performance. Paired with authentic costumes, beautiful narration and a talented orchestra, the exquisite rendering of pure classical music by vocalists promises to be an exhilarating and uplifting experience.

Attend the concert or sponsor a music lover to attend. Tickets are $100, $30, $20.

When: November 23, 2013

Time: 4:00 PM – 7:00PM (seating begins at 3:30)
Where: Spangenberg Auditorium
780 Arastradero Road
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Contact: (408) 498-1604 or

Tickets available on Sulekha

Proceeds of this concert will go towards community outreach programs of Nandalala Mission such as Back to School Drive, Youth Concerts, Matruseva, Project Balakrishna, and Health care initiatives in US & India. Visit for details.

Your decision to attend this event will go a long way in helping the community!

Sloka Class in San Ramon

Hi, I am doing a cultural program for children teaching the values of ancient Indian culture . The curriculum focuses on Slokas, Bhajans, Epic stories, and the significance of Indian festivals with primary emphasis on nourishing the values of our culture. Little kids have short attention spans, and will wander off or start doing their own thing if we lose their attention. So I will break the class up into lots of little sections with slokas, stories and other fun activities. I would like to take the opportunity to impart my knowledge and hence bring in awareness of our Indian culture through fun activities!
For more information, contact me in

Moving to San Ramon – Apartment / school suggestions?

Hi there,  we are a desi family moving to Trivalley region  and wanted to know of apartments in/around San Ramon with good desi community. We have 2 kids – age 3 and 5 – and hence want to be sure of (1) excellent elementary school and (2) reasonable play environment/company for kids.   Any suggestions or a short list to consider?   Thanks so much.

SanGaMa- theTrivalley Malayali (Kerala) group!

Due to our growth over the years, we have folks from all over tri-valley and hence we recently renamed our group to “SanGaMa” to mean gathering of Malayali community in the trivalley area. Check out our new website at . If you have roots in Kerala and are living in Dublin, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Danville or planning to move here, you will find the group helpful.

We recently celebrated Onam with much fanfare and are getting started with planning our  Christmas get-together. Check out the site for more details or join our facebook page. Check out the videos and pics at the website!


What is SanGaMa ?
Started in late 2009, this a  friendly group started for the  benefit of Malayalis living in San Francisco East Bay locations like   San Ramon, Dublin, Danville and Pleasanton … We celebrate  festivals  of Kerala like Onam,Vishu, Christmas/New Year  etc…This also functions as a forum for networking with other Malayali  (Kerala) families in the area.    We have periodic  get-togethers for our main events or we go for short-trips in the bay area or we just hang out with one another occasionally! If you know of  other families with roots in Kerala in the neighborhood who might be interested, please spread the word.

People living in San Ramon, Dublin, Danville & Pleasanton areas  would find this group useful. It includes major communities like  Windemere and Gale Ranch in San Ramon.
We are a friendly feel free to join !

Contact us at :


Dandiya Night at Alisal Elementary, Pleasanton – 27th Sep

An evening of Dandiya in support of a local school. All proceeds will go to Alisal Elementary, Pleasanton

Location: Multi Purpose Room, Alisal Elementary, 1454 Santa Rita Road, Pleasanton

Date: Friday 27th Sep 2013

Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Fee: $10 (5 yrs and under are free)

Free Dance tutorial session from 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM

For tickets, contact – Giri Lankipalle (201-606-3949)





One Billion Rising – Rise in Dance & Meditation (Dublin, CA)

One Billion women and their loved ones are rising up to stand up to put a stop to violence on women. Join us to mark this historic occasion. Join us to rise in Dance and Meditation. We will dance to the tunes of DJ Love along with a Bollywood Dance Instructor and end with a short meditation.

This is a FREE event but space is limited. Please RSVP at:

date & time: Feb 14 (7pm-8pm)

Stress Free, Violence Free Society Meeting

Come and join us for an informational session on: “How to build a stress free and violence free society.”

Background: This campaign focuses on creating a stress and violence free society by:

  • Strengthening family values
  • Empowering youth
  • Fostering a feeling of community
  • Building a happier and safer society

Venue: Pleasanton Library
400 Old Bernal Ave, Pleasanton, CA 94566

Date: February 6, 2013
Time: 7-8 PM
Contact: Sridhar (510) 334-7908

Stress Free, Violence Free Society

Art of Living Course Jan 24


Art Of Living

Course Benefits
Breathing techniques to eliminate stress & tension
Skills for improving relationships at home and at work
Tools to handle your mind & negative emotions

Learn Sudarshana Kriya
An Immensely powerful technique that incorporates specific natural rhythms of breath to release stress and purify the entire system by releasing toxins at the deepest cellular level

Course Details & Contacts
Jan 24th – Jan 27th
Weekdays 7.00 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Weekends 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.


Art Of Living – Tri Valley Center
6690 Amador Plaza Road, Suit 215
Dublin, CA – 94568

Madhavi : Ph (408) 368-1998 email:

Lavaanya : Ph (650) 740-0218 email:

To register for Art of Living Course please click flyer or visit:


Alameda County Fairgrounds hosts Diwali Celebration Sat, Oct 27

Diwali Celebration – Federation of Indian Associations and Fremont Hindu Temple are organizing a grand celebration that promises fun for the entire family with cultural program, kids corner, entertainment, parade booths, real animals, gourmet food and fireworks.

Saturday, October 27
Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton

4501 Pleasanton Avenue, Pleasanton
11 a.m. – 11 p.m.
(510) 659-0655

Dandiya in Pleasanton 2012

Much like previous years, this year again you can do your share of Dandiya in Pleasanton on Saturday, OCT 20 2012, starting at 7:00PM.

Location – Pleasanton Middle School, 5001 Case Ave, Pleasanton, CA 94566.

Admission is $15.00. Free for kids under 5, and a separate area for kids. Free parking.

For tickets, – this event usually sells out; so it serves better to buy in advance.

Any place desi parents (visiting from india) meet up/walk in evenings?

Hello, I live in pleasanton and have parents visiting from India;  but they are bored in the evenings. Is there a place desi parents (visiting from India) meet up/walk  in evenings? Similar to lake Elizabeth area in Fremont?

Preferably closer to pleasanton/dublin (as opposed to Windermere) – that is too far from where I live.

Upcoming Art of Living Course Aug 23rd – Aug 26th 2012

Course Benefits
Breathing techniques to eliminate stress & tension
Skills for improving relationships at home and at work
Tools to handle your mind & negative emotions

Learn Sudarshana Kriya
An Immensely powerful technique that incorporates specific natural rhythms of breath to release stress and purify the entire system by releasing toxins at the deepest cellular level

Course Details & Contacts
August 23rd – Aug 26th
Weekdays 7.00 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Weekends 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Art Of Living – Tri Valley Center
6690 Amador Plaza Road, Suit 215
Dublin, CA – 94568

Sunil : Ph (510) 593-5858 email:

Ram : Ph (408) 569-6077 email:


To register for Art of Living Course please click flyer or visit:


Chit Chat Chaat and Chai

An exclsive afternoon just for the ladies. Relax, make new friends, share laughs with a fruitful discussion on three very improtant issues as you mingle with friends to enjoy papdi Chaat and chai. On June 17th at assembly hall at Shiva Vishnu Temple in Livermore from 2 to 4 P.M. More Information contact Suman Jain

Bollywood Dance Summer Camp in Dublin

Planning for summer activities for your children? How about some fun and learning with Bollywood Dance?!
Friends, I am going to start a Bollywood Dance Summer Camp from June 11th to July 5th, 2012 – Monday to Thursday.

  • 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM for Age Group 9-13 years
  • 02:00 PM – 04:30 PM for Age Group 5-8 years

Kids will learn multiple dance styles during these 3-4 weeks. It would be full of entertainment, as well as fitness for kids.
Each week they learn different dance/song. So you can sign up for full 4 weeks ($200), or even choose any 3 weeks ($150) (to accommodate for any other vacation plans).
Hurry up and sign up soon; kids will sure have FUN and enjoy this summer camp.

Just confirm on this post, and don’t forget to send it across to your other friends.

You can always reach me @408-625-7237 or to get more information.
Looking forward to some fun summer time!


Tamil Chithirai Thiruvizha in Pleasanton Apr 14

Tamil activities continue to take center stage with Tamil Manram bringing a FREE fun filled afternoon of events at Hart Middle School, Pleasanton for traditional Chithirai Thiruvizha.

Chithirai Thiruvizha (Festival celebrated during the Tamil month of Chitirai) is an annual celebration during the month of April, with roots in Madurai. It is one of the longest celebrations of the world and lasts for one month. The first 15 days of the festival is celebrated for Meenakshi, and the next 15 days are celebrated for Alagar.

Chithirai Thiruvizha Festival
Chithirai Thiruvizha Festival in Madurai

Chithirai Thiruvizha 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012 at 2 PM
Hart Middle School
4433 Willow Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588

  • புலி வேஷம், மயிலாட்டம், ஒயிலாட்டம், பொய்க்கால் குதிரை, முளப்பாரி வைத்தல், பூக்கோலம், காட்சிப் படங்கள், காணொளிகளுடன் கூடிய கண்காட்சி, பொருட்காட்சி
  • பம்பரம், பல்லாங்குழி, பரமபதம், பாண்டியாட்டம் போன்ற விளையாட்டுக்களின் செயல்முறை விளக்கங்கள்
  • கனிவான நிகழ்ச்சிகள், போட்டிகள் மற்றும் பரிசுகள்

California Meditates – Take the meditation challenge

California Meditates – the meditation challenge comes to Dublin/San Ramon.
Get ready to meditate for 30 days – attend an Open House, get your questions answered, get updated about tools/support available. Its a novel wellness campaign (from the Art of Living Foundation), of empowering people from various backgrounds to use meditation as a practical & effective tool to increase one’s well-being and quality of life includes the following highlights: Easy to access Meditation sessions, Opportunities for Group Meditations, Gala Meditation Celebrations, etc.
California Meditates - Challenge - Art of Living 2012
Registration Fee waived till Feb 21.
When: Saturday, March 3, 2012 11:00 am
Where: ART OF LIVING – Tri Valley Center
6690 Amador Plaza Rd
Dublin, CA 94568

Official Website
Cost: $0.00 – $25.00

What/Why: The Meditation Challenge
Benefits of regular meditations include greater peace of mind, better focus, increased enthusiasm. A common question that a beginner or any others may ask is how to keep up the practice. The Meditation Challenge offers an opportunity to be guided into meditating daily with some consistency, for a month or less.

Easy, Convenient & Effective
Experience some benefits of meditation through a few days of practice. To support you the challenge offers
* Easy access to guided meditations
* Guidance from experts to help you have a better meditation experience.
* Fun, comraderie- Invite your friends/coworkers to the challenge.

How do I Get Started?
*Register for the challenge & meditate each day.
*Join us for group meditations each week.
*Win prizes each week as you complete the challenge

Two Day Bengali Theater Festival in Pleasanton

Natya Mela 2012, a two day Bengali Theater Festival will be organized by Sanskriti in Pleasanton on Feb 4 and 5. Sanskriti is a Bay Area’s prominent Cultural and Charitable Association.
Venue: Amador Theater, 1155 Santa Rita Road,Pleasanton,CA,94566

Feb 4, 2012 – Saturday
3:15 PM “Bhul Swargo” Actopia, Bay Area
4:20 PM “Ekti GaNye Thaki” ECTA, New Jersey
5:55 PM – 6:40 PM Break
6:45 PM “Thikana” Brishchik, Seattle

Feb 5, 2012,Sunday
2:15 PM “Burkah Nama” Auditiya, Bay Area
3:00 PM “Norok Gulzar” Ankur, Sacramento
4:05 PM – 4:35 PM Break
4:40 PM “Tiktiki” Re-Act(Houston-Durgabari) Texas

Tickets are 20 – 30 USD, with a combo for two days for 40.
Check here for synopsis of the plays, and to book.natya-mela-bengali-theatre-2012-pleasanton-sanskriti

Last year, in October, Sanskriti was involved in organizing a festival to celebrate Durga Puja Other Cultural Programs and activities, including games like Carom and Table Tennis. As well they organized an event to pay tribute to Rabindra Nath Tagore on the occasion of his 150th Birth Anniversary at the same location Amador Theater, Pleasanton.

Understand Your Child Workshop

Understand Your Child – Workshop will be conducted on February 3rd, 2012 – 7:00pm in Dublin, CA.
Parenting can prove to  be a very rewarding experience in one’s life. Because of the changes in our  lifestyles, values and human relations, parenting is also becoming a challenge with parents having to deal with many issues related to children’s behaviour.  Often parents are found saying my kid

· Does not listen to me
· Jumps around and breaks  many things
· Does not eat properly
· Is just glued to the TV  all the time
· Is just not interested in studies, etc.

Understand Your Child workshop is a 2.5 hour interactive seminar from the Art of Living which helps parents deal with several such issues by finding the root cause behind them. It gives them an insight into how children think and thus a better understanding of their behavior. It points out small things that adults tend to overlook that may have a deep impact on children. Several hundred such workshops have been conducted benefiting many thousands of parents making their relationships with their children much more harmonious.

Please click on the following link to register for the workshop:

Date & Timings: Feb 3rd 2012 Friday at 7.00 p.m.
Course Location: 6690 Amador Plaza Road, #215, Dublin, CA 94568
Contact Information: Sridhar Nomula (510) 334-7908 and Rashmi Patel (925) 3361203

 Invite your friends, family& peers!

Dandia in Pleasanton Fairgrounds – Oct 15, 2011

SEF Dandiya will be organized on Oct 15, 2011 Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton featuring Dhol Baaje Entertainment, like last year. Tickets are $15 – and recommended to be purchased in advance as they WILL be sold out on the day (at actually any dandiya event). This is your only other chance to attend garbha this year in the Tri Valley, other than one Organized by Windemere Friends

  • Free garba/dandia lessons available from 6:00-7:00pm on the event day for those who have purchased the tickets.
  • Contact
  •  Free Parking
  • Complimentary checkin of dandia sticks while you enjoy Garba
  • Free entrance for Kids age 5 and below
  • Special Dancing Area for Kids for Extra Safety

SEF Dandiya Pleasanton 2010

Other SEF Events at Sept 24, Oct 1 and 4 in Santa Clara.



Induz Dandiya 2011 featuring Dr. Sharvari Dixit
Saturday, Sep 24 7:30p to 11:30p
at Centerville Junior High School Fremont, Fremont, CA
Induz Dandiya 2011 featuring bay area’s most popular Garba/Dandiya DJ Dr. Sharvari Dixit and troupe. Make it an extra special Navratri celebrations for you and your family at the spacious and convenient venue in East Bay.
Child care facility, ample parking, food, dandiya sticks etc will be available.
lap once, clap twice, clap three times…and you’re almost there!
Garba is THAT easy! This TWO HOUR workshop will teach you the basic hand and feet coordination to get YOU on the dance floor this Navratri season!
Get a head start and join us in the Garba & Raas workshop on:
– Sunday, September 18th from 1PM to 3PM in San Jose, OR
– Sunday, September 25th from 1PM to 3PM in Milpitas
Gujarati Cultural Association Upcoming Events – Navratri Garba/Dandia
Date: September 25 & 30
October 1,7 & 8th
Small Steps Foundation Diwali Dandia Nite 2011 – Oct 8th
Saturday, Oct 8 7:30p
at Centerville Junior High School Fremont, Fremont, CA
SSF Dandia Nite 2011 in Fremont!
Most kids friendly dandia – Local Center will manage the kids corner with beautiful, craft, fun and brain bending activities, when they are tired from dancing. Biggest in Fremont with electrifying Bollywood music by Dimple Patel.Buy your tickets at or from the other store ticket outlets.

Windemere Friends – Dandiya for Education 2011

After last year’s overwhelming success, once again“Windemere Friends”- a neighborhood group of Indo American families is organizing “Dandiya for Education 2011″. 100% profits go to neighborhood schools!

  • When: Oct 1, 2011 – 7:30 PM – 11:30 PM
  • Where: Windemere Ranch Middle School (Gym)
  • 11611 East Branch Pkwy, San Ramon, CA

Tickets: $12 each, $15 at the door (if there’s any left)(Kids 5 yrs & under free)


Dandiya For Education 2011 San Ramon
Dandiya For Education 2011 San Ramon

The Band: “Aseem and Madhvi”. The Bay Area’s most famous group for singing Dandiya. They have been performing in the Bay Area for more than 15 years!

  • Free dandiya training 7 – 7:30 PM
  • Popular Indian food served by Indian Restaurant
  • Dandiya will be available for purchase

So get your Indian outfits ready for the fun filled evening with family, friends and neighbors!
Come and relish a variety of Indian- food  and the bay-area’s best live Dandiya-music to go with it !!

Dandia or Raas and Garba, is a traditional dance popular in Western India. In India, this celebration occurs during the fall festival of Navratri (Nav-raa-tree). Dandiya is a dance with short sticks that promotes slow calorie burning. Many folks have tried Dandiya and enjoyed it. We will have a special training session from 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM for all newcomers.
Windemere Friends – We are a group of concerned citizens that want to make a difference in our community. We have started this in August 2010 with the aim of organizing activities that we like right here in San Ramon while raising funds for the schools.
The group is 100% volunteer based with no administrative costs.

Integrated Amrita Meditation Course Aug 20-21

The IAM Meditation training will be held at M.A. Center in San Ramon, California on Aug 20-21, 2011. This 160-acre site of Amma’s first U.S. ashram provides a beautiful and quiet venue for the meditation training.

The Saturday schedule is 8:30am (registration) to 3:00pm, and Sunday is 9am to 1:00pm. Participants must attend the entire training. Youth ages 16 & 17 are welcome to take the course with parental permission. (Those who have previously completed the full course are welcome to join the current class on Sunday at 9:00 am for a free refresher, which will review for you the steps of the practice and answer your questions)
Cost: $15.00 (to cover facilities expenses)
Meals: Lunch on Saturday can be purchased on site for $7 cash per person. Please make a reservation with registration, but pay cash when served.
Course Location: Amrita Hall, M. A. Center, San Ramon, California
(10200 Crow Canyon Road Castro Valley, CA – 94552)
Please feel free to contact us at for any questions.

New Leaders Sought for local Punjabi Group

The Punjab Heritage Society, a local cultural organization for the past several years, is looking for some energetic and passionate people to take on a leadership role for the coming years.   The Punjab Heritage Society has successfully put on an annual Baisakhi show in Pleasanton to showcase the talents of our local children.   The current leadership team would like to bring in new people into the group, especially those with young children.

If you are interested in becoming one of the new leaders or would just like to get more information, please contact Harinder at


Understanding your Child – Workshop

Here is an attempt you can make to understand your child better – and it does come with Indian ethos.
Art of Living center is organizing a free workshop on May 7 that “will enable you to understand you child, and enhance the relationship between parent and child.” By the sound of it, could be surely a useful and potentially fateful workshop!
According to the description of the workshop:

Learn the root causes of your child’s behavior and learn tools to help your child break these behaviorial patterns.
Understand your child and help them reach their fullest potential.

This is for you if you feel:
1. Your child is shy
2. Sibling rivalry turns into fights all the time
3. Your childs doesn’t listen to you
4. Child watched Tv and plays video games all the time and doesn’t listen to you.

This workshop will help you parent your child to

– Enhance their creativity
– Improve focus and concentration in studies
– Be independent and responsible
– Communicate better
– Feel more free and natural
– Respond to stress in an emotionally healthy way

We will also talk about emotional and mental development, nutrition and food choices, the role of music and art, and social interaction.

May 07, 2011 10:00 AM
Art of Living Center for Yoga and Meditation, Tri Valley
6690 Amador Plaza Road, #215
Dublin, CA 94582
Contact: 925-964-9228

Team Asha Marathon Kicks off in San Ramon

The Team Asha Marathon program is kicking off in San Ramon on April 16th, 2011 (besides in San Francisco and Sunnywale).
The program provides training and guidance to run a marathon, as well as helps the cause of child education in India.

You can train with Team Asha for a Half or Full Marathon by joining the Team Asha Marathon Training program (A marathon is 26.2 miles; a half marathon is 13.1 miles). There is an initial, nonrefundable registration fee of $75 or $100 (depending on when you register.) There are other costs for races, gears, etc, as well as a goal to raise money (about $2000) for the noble cause. There isn’t a minimum fitness level to join the training program. Train for about 6 months for full and about 3 months for half. Join the entire group for a weekly long run (Saturdays) and track session (most Tuesdays.), and there are socials that you get to participate in.

Program Highlights
A comprehensive beginner friendly program.
3 month training for a half marathon and 6 months for a full marathon.
Train with experienced coaches and assistant coaches.
Speed and strength workouts every week.
Guidance on running form, apparel and nutrition.
Guidance from mentors during weekday runs.
Gain bragging rights after you finish a marathon. 🙂
Get fit! Learn to live a healthy and active life style.
Make new friends, attend team parties & dinners!

Some quick stats about Team Asha
Years in Operation : 11
Number of Runners : 1191 to date (412 women)
Funds Raised : $2.8 million
Age of Asha Runners : 18 to 60+
Supported Projects : 385
Children Benefited: 500,000+
Free Info sessions

East Bay Program Kickoff

Apr 16th, 2011 – 2:00 – 5:00 PM

Multi Purpose Room (MPR)
Windemere Ranch Middle School
11611 East Branch Pkwy
San Ramon, CA 94582

Register at:

Team Asha is a sports program organized by Asha for Education (Asha) that gives the chance to individuals of all ages to discover the magical benefits of physical activities like running and biking including but not limited to an active and healthy lifestyle. All that while helping raise funds for projects supported by Asha in India. Team Asha aims to provide every runner, every biker with the means to change their own lives and make a positive difference in the life of thousands of underprivileged children in India.
The program has been in existence since 2000 and helped hundreds of runners, 70% of them first timers, to reach new endurance levels and take on bigger challenges. Our expert coaches and involved mentors add a personal touch to the training and help you with not just running a marathon but leading a healthy lifestyle as well. Learn more about the program here.
Last year alone, more than 200 participants have helped raise over $370,000 towards 38 projects supported by Asha for Education, Silicon Valley Chapter.

Rough ride for Holi celebrations in Tri Valley

With the number of Indian immigrants settling in Tri Valley increasing at the rate it is, if anything, one would imagine increasing community organization and participation.
So its almost not heartening to know that Holi celebration in Tri Valley this year (2011) is not on a smooth ride. The TVIA (Tri Valley Indian Association) did an excellent job organizing Holi at the Emerald Glen park in Dublin last year (2010). The event was well organized, and was a hit. There was music, dance, games, color and a lot of bonhomie, and participation. However, from there on, first the TVIA Diwali plan last year went awry (lack of participation/interest – read tickets not sold), and then this year no Holi because of lack of volunteers to organize it.
Sure, the community needs helping hands!

In any case, there is some ray of hope. ‘Art of Living Tri-Valley Center – Pleasanton/ Dublin/ San Ramon’ was apparently up to something, and they have announced holding a potluck – ‘Festival of Colors (Holi)‘ on March 19th, 2011 at 11:30 AM, and they invite friends and family to join. The location is

Limerick Park
2833 Bethany Road
San Ramon, CA 94582

If you may want to go, please contact the center (925-336-1203, 510-593-5858, sanramon[a] for participating in the food potluck.

Other than this, surely some groups of friends may be getting ready for celebrating Holi. The official Holi date actually is March 20 (Sunday) – so don’t be surprised to see brethren from India in colors of holi in parks during the weekend of March 19-20. If any groups are forming, please spread the word around. The more the people, the merrier and colorrier!

If you are willing to drive 25+ miles, there could be other good options:.

  • Asha Stanford Holi 2011 Saturday, April 2 · 10:00am – 1:00pm Sandhill Fields Oak Rd Stanford, CA
  • Holi Garba-Raas Party – March 12, 2011 8PM – Jain Temple Milpitas
  • SEF UPMA Holi Mela 2011 Mar 19 2011 Time: 11:00 AM
  • Holi Celebration & Mela at Sunnyvale Hindu Temple Mar 20 2011, Holi Dahan on Friday March 18th @ 07.00 PM
  • Janyaa presents Holi Cupertino, CA 2011 Mar 13 2011 10:00AM
  • BAYVP Holi Garba Celebration Mar 26 2011
  • GCA Dhuleti Celebration Mar 19 2011 11:00AM
  • Rajasthani Holi 2011 Mar 19 2011 9:00AM

For details, google the events.