After Scvhool Tutoring

New Learning Grove Academy Summer Camp 2015
Short Business Description
New Learning Grove Academy Summer Camp 2015 - A well-rounded summer camp:

After a very successful summer camp last year, The New Learning Grove Academy is proudly open for enrollment in our 2015 Summer Camp. We have a wide range of activities from academics, to public speaking classes, painting, clay art, chess, dancing, to yoga and meditation. If you are looking for a well-rounded program, please visit our website to learn more.

Rani Mastey is a highly experienced teacher from Challenger, a well-accredited private school in the Bay Area. She provides one-on-one attention to ensure the academic progress of each of her students. For this reason, seats are limited. Please contact us at (925) 596-0471 for registration information and check the attached schedule.

Contact Information:
Rani Mastey
New Learning Grove Academy
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