I am in Dublin, (near Kolb elementary) and I am helping Elementary n Middle school kids with challenging problem, math benders and puzzles that help them in Olympiad, math count and other math and Science competitive test. We study strategies and attempt problems beyond the ones you typically encounter in a math class. I can help your kids for Cogat and other tag test preparation. If you are interested in our Math and Chemistry Enrichment Classes contact at salonisinh…@g…com or (503)-419-6398
All posts by saloni
Math Enrichment Classes @ Dublin
I am in Dublin, (near Kolb elementary) and I am helping Elementary n Middle school kids with challenging problem, math benders and puzzles that help them in Olympiad, math count and other competitive test. We study strategies and attempt problems beyond the ones you typically encounter in a math class. I can help your kids for Cogat and other tag test preparation. If you are interested in our Math Enrichment Classes contact at salonisinha@gmail.com or (503)-419-6398