All posts by jay123

oppurtunity for highschool students to serve the community

Hello Neighbours, This is a very good oppurtunity for High school students. It is a wonderful oppurtunity to serve the community and learn many things . Pls respond ASAP as spots will be filled up soon.

Subject : Want to build a home during Summer – June or Aug dates
All – With the overwhelming response from the community, Bay Area residents have built 8 homes from Dec 2011 until Dec 2012 for Tijuana, Mexico residents..
There will be an informational session at San Ramon. Time and place will be sent to you , once you send an RSVP to

Ajjit Narayanan and Vikram Ganesh (

Want to build a complete house for the needy family in Mexico? Want to do it in just 4 days and earn 50 hours of community service? Many students from Dougherty Valley, Mission San Jose High, James Logan, American High, Foot Hill and Lynbrook high schools have already taken part in this opportunity

Here are some links to YouTube videos (5 min each) of past trips :
2011 Winter video:
2012 Spring video:
2012 Summer Slideshow:

Here are some write-ups about the trip :
2012 Summer write-up :
2011 Winter write-up: