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Regardless of our age or stage, yoga meets us where we’re at. For children, Yoga can help develop their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. Their concentration can improve along with their ability to relax and feel calm, which helps them to cope with the conflict and stress of an increasingly hectic world.
More than being just great exercise, Yoga is a way of life that teaches Kids the ancient system of practice which focuses postures/asanas along with healthy food styles for the body, breathing & relaxation techniques for the mind, concentration exercises for the intellect and meditation for the soul. It encourages kids to play, connect more deeply with their inner self, and develop a receptive relationship to the natural world around them. It encourages self-esteem and body awareness, and fosters cooperation and compassion, instead of competition.
Yoga helps our little ones to explore the ethics of “Yamas” (healthy, loving attitudes & values) with teenagers learning to apply Yoga’s ancient wisdom to modern-day life challenges. Teaches awareness in decision-making and choices where an internal compass could be challenged or compromised.
Through Yoga, children can discover how unique, worthy, and complete they are. They learn to care for their bodies with Yoga when they are young, and start developing healthy habits, which will serve them all lifelong.
Want to try some Yoga classes for your kids? Universal Peace Foundation of NA (UPFNA) is now offering ongoing Kids yoga classes on Sundays for 4-12 year olds.
New batch starts from October
4430 Willow Rd, Suite K
Pleasanton, CA 94588