Looking for a part-time nanny/baby sitter to look after my 18 month old son in our home in Pleasanton. The hours will be something like 6-8a with drop off to Daycare, and evening 5-7p with pick up from daycare. additional responsibilities include feeding the kid breakfast (morning) and milk/light snacks (evening) and playing with/entertaining him. MUST be able to drive a car, and also speak decent English. Please contact me if interested. Looking to start by Jan 12th and will likely look at 6 months initially with possible extension to a year or more. If interested, please contact me via email – apsas_…@y…com Thanks – Aparna
All posts by apsas_h
Looking for a nanny in Pleasanton (close to west Dublin/Pleasanton BART)
I am looking for a nanny to take care of my 7 month old baby starting around January 20th, Monday through Friday, timings flexible and rate negotiable. We live in Pleasanton, close to the West Dublin Pleasanton BART startion. Nanny MUST be able to speak/understand English and also drive to our place. If interested, please email apsas_h@yahoo.com as soon as possible with contact details.
Aparna Sashikanth.
Looking for part-time nanny to start in November in Dublin/Pleasanton area
I’m looking for a nanny to look after my 4 month old son starting in November. This will be a part-time job, ~4 – 5 hours, every day in the week. Nanny should be able to drive to our place, and understand and speak English well. Please contact apsas_h@yahoo.com with details. Thank you, Aparna