We are looking for part-time nanny in Pleasanton to take care of our 21 month old. Resposibilities also include light cooking and house -keeping. If interested, please call me at 408-439-1789
All posts by [email protected]
Looking for Full time nanny in Pleasanton
Hi, I am looking for a full-time nanny who can help us take care of our 1 yr old. Responsibilities include
- Child and infant care: bathing, feeding, playing, putting to bed, etc
- Household work: Cooking, light cleaning and laundry
- Able to drive (good to have, not mandatory)
I live in Pleasanton. I can be reached on 408-439-1789 or at [email protected] and we can talk further details. Please call or leave VM after 4:00 PM. Thank you.
Looking for a nanny to take care of our new born
Hi, I am looking for a full-time nanny who can help us take care of our new born. Responsibilities include
- Child and infant care: bathing, feeding, playing, putting to bed, etc
- Household work: Cooking, light cleaning and laundry
- Able to drive (good to have, not mandatory)
I live in Pleasanton. I can be reached on 408-439-1789 or at anantvadlaman…@g…com and we can talk further details. Please do not call after 9:00 PM.
Thank you.