Looking for part time help at home. Meal preparation, laundry, odd jobs. Once or two times a week at a reasonable rate. Can train a beginner. Please contact by text message at 925-330-8056 and refer to this request. Thank you.
Daily Archives: September 2, 2021
Stitched Salwar Suits for sale
Looking for a full time nanny in Livermore
Hello! We are looking for full time nanny to take care of our 2 weeks old baby boy and help us with cooking! Please message me if interested!
Looking for Maharashtrian / north Indian tiffin or Cook
Looking for Maharashtrian / north Indian tiffin or Cook for vegetarian food in Dublin area
Family Daycare/Preschool in Dublin
ShineKids – Large Home Based Daycare/Preschool – Providing Quality Care in Fun Filled Environment for 8 years.
Hot Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch – Served without any extra charge.
Licensed Facility being run by highly qualified Provider – ECE Units, Master Degree and an experienced Ex PreSchool Teacher (License#013421818).
Fully qualified Certified CPR & First Aid , Live Scan Finger Printing cleared, TB Tested Provider and Staff.
Multiple Languages – English, Hindi, Punjabi.
Safe, Hygienic Fun filled & Learning Environment, focused on Personality Development & Age appropriate Toys & Programs for each age group.
Convenient access from Freeway 580/680. Close to major roads like Dublin Blvd, Tassajara Rd, Fallon Road.
Excellent References of happy parents are readily available.
Call Anu for appointment – 408-480-3862
Email [email protected]