Maha Prasthana – (Eternal Journey)
Talk by Shri Vijay Kapoor
Review of the purpose of Life, Preparing for transitioning to the next life (key passages from Gita chapter 8), Role of values in viewing death as a festival (key passages from Gita chapter 13)Preparing for transitioning to next life
Venue: Akella Assembly Hall
Date : Saturday, February 24th
Time : 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Informational talk from Shri Madan Arora
HCCC Seniors group meet 2nd, 4th Saturday of the month (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM)
Program is free. All are welcome.
Questions? For more information contact:
Temple Office – 925-449-6255 press 3 or
Padmaja Madhusudan – pmadhus…@g…com